Toned Abs



  • Hay,
    we all have ab's, finding them is another matter. each individual has their own journey in the way they find them. The number one proven fact though is DIET. you can train every hr of every day, but if your diet is even just abit out then sorry you wont find your ab's.

    When I get ready for a photo shoot or a show I always always do interval training with a decreased calorie intake (energy in to energy out) so I eat less calories than what I actually need. But there is a process to this and it is done in stages not in one big hit, otherwise you will be very drained and wont have the energy to train at all.

    I knew a guy once who used to do 1000 crunches a day and his stomach was solid, but he had no ab's.
    AB's come down to body fat % at the end of the day, alot of my clients come to me and say I am only a size 8 or 6 (UK) why dont i have ab's I am not fat, and after I do a proper BF% test (calipers) I show that their actually a slim fat person. ie slim but no muscle mass/density. all these factors you need to address before you will ever start getting great ab's, and when i say ab's i dont mean a line here and there i mean defined, a man has his top ab's showing at about 12% but will they go half way through the day after he has eaten and drank yes, why because of water and fluid retention, now were getting to into it lol so i will stop it there....

    Eat Clean train intense lots of jumping lots of sprinting not much rest and you will get your ab's I promise.


    Karl there are photos of me when I was a little girl & I was super skinny with a huge pooched out stomach! I've never had abs.....what can you tell someone like me, who has never had a flat stomach, even when super thin? Not even when I was 110 or 115!

    Hay Jane, what do you mean by a little girl, because a little girl shouldnt be worried about ab's they should be worried about boys and dolls etc etc lol, send me an email and explain in depth abit better please.
    I have trained people with eating disorders who were like stick insects and they didnt have ab's either, all you could see was rib cage it looked horrible. I dont know how to explain this because i deal with this every day and tbh the only way to really explain to people is say it how it is. And some times people take offence to that, so if i do offened any one i do apologise ok..

    You can be skinny as a rake, but if you dont have any muscle density then your up **** creek without a paddle, best way to get ab's if you FAT is through hard weighted interval training to get the fat off along with a good ab workout either at the end of every session or make it a single muscle session twice a week, for you to get GREAT ab's you need a strong core and before you ask yes they are different things.
    To Get ab's if your SKINNY and have no fat on you at all, start eating and change your training, because like most people who are that skinny, they live to cardio and eat nothing, your body is just going ot waste away.....
  • Best way to get ab's if you FAT is through hard weighted interval training to get the fat off along with a good ab workout either at the end of every session or make it a single muscle session twice a week, for you to get GREAT ab's you need a strong core and before you ask yes they are different things..

    Could you give me some ideas of what to do at the gym regarding interval training with weights for abs?
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Best way to get ab's if you FAT is through hard weighted interval training to get the fat off along with a good ab workout either at the end of every session or make it a single muscle session twice a week, for you to get GREAT ab's you need a strong core and before you ask yes they are different things..

    Could you give me some ideas of what to do at the gym regarding interval training with weights for abs?

    Find a machine you can do this with + oblique crunch.

    Most gyms have something similar to this.

    Ask the staff to help you out.

    Can always put a weight plate on your chest and do regular crunches but I'm no a proponent of ab exercises while lying down.

  • Find a machine you can do this with + oblique crunch.

    Most gyms have something similar to this.

    Ask the staff to help you out.

    Can always put a weight plate on your chest and do regular crunches but I'm no a proponent of ab exercises while lying down.

    Ok, thanks for your help! I'll try that.
  • Hay Katy,
    what I mean by weighted interval training is exercises using weights, working your full body at a high RPE. The more muscles you work the more fat your going to burn. we dont want weight off we want body fat % down, big difference.
    Google/youtube full body interval training and that will give you a good idea of what to do, I can tell you now its not nice but i love it lol. It ripps the fat off you, if your prepaired to go hard if not go home lol.

    Keep us updated ok.

  • Ok, thank you Karl!
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