Jillian Michaels

SBug Posts: 15 Member
I'm curious if anyone here does Jillian Michaels DVD's, and if you do, how you enter it into your exercise log.


  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    30 Day Shred can be recorded as Circuit Training under the cardiosection. I'm not familiar with her other workout DVDs.
  • in_it_2_win_it
    I have them.. ( I Just got 2 of them 2day) and I just entered them in as arobics and wrote how long I did it for
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've been logging mine under circuit training in cardio for the 30 day shred of hers
  • in_it_2_win_it
    ok.. well thanks for the help.. but I also have Jillian Micheal's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.. and I wonder if that can be in a cardo work out.. or do I do that as Circuit training as well
  • rrt1987
    rrt1987 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there.

    I have a heart rate monitor and it calculates calories burned. (note I count warm up and the work out but do not count the cooldown). I keep my heart rate up and work fairly hard at the videos (try not to let myself slack and up my weight if it gets easy) I have been doing them for about a month and weigh around 200 lbs.

    In the 30 day shred DVDs I burn on average 300 calories per work out. Usually 290 for level one 300 for level two and 310 for level three. I record them as cardio for 30 minutes at 300 calories.
    Her no more trouble zones burns almost 500 on the nose for me.

    Level one of yoga meltdown burns 235. There are a few poses that I can't do though so well though and this was my first time running it. With a bit of practice I would put it at 250.

    I will try to add her metabolism booster and level 2 of yoga meltdown soon. Hope this helps!
  • Shamrockkx
    I have Comcast. And I chose work out videos from On Demand.
    There was one with her it was called like "One Last Chance" or something.
    I liked it, but she seems kind of mean. :/ I mean, I know I'm not like right there with herr, but idk.
    Hahaha. I like people who encourage me, and not yell at me. :P
    But that was just my first impression. I don't know how she is in any other video!
  • miatavixxen
    I have quite a few of them but, ahem, only just dusted them off last night. i've seen a lot of posts asking this same thing and everyone responds differently. Personally, I just "added" it as an exercise. As for calories burned, I given the bits and pieces I've picked up here and there I estimated it at 9 calories per minute for my weight at 171. If you weigh more, you burn more, if you weigh less, then you burn a little bit less. Good luck!
  • lilmoma
    Yeah if you have her circuit traning add it as circuit if its the weights enter it as circuit with weights:wink: