How public are you regarding your dieting?



  • Mrs_McFadden
    I've told my BFF's and they are in direct competition with me. I'll win, trust me on that. LOL.
    I don't bother telling anyone else such as family or anything. Oh wait, I told my beloved baby brother- he's 24- we're super close and he's a gym rat. So of all the people I know he is the type that would actually care and know what I'm talking about.
    Otherwise anyone else in my life can just do a double take when my legs make a comeback.
  • eskyone
    eskyone Posts: 1 Member
    I suggest that you tell those you love, friends, family. Everyone else isn't really interested in what you are doing anyway. Feb 14th of 2009 I started my weight loss journey with the app Lose It, which I had on my Ipod. I was around 400 pounds, wasn't too sure, scales don't generally go that high. Anyway, I didn't tell anyone at first. I told my very close family and basically went about my business of losing weight. People who saw me frequently really didn't notice that i was changing my eating habits until they began to notice that I was losing weight which is when they started to inquire, and when, I began to tell them about what I was doing. Eventually, I hit my goal of 245 pound over an eight month period of time, you can bet people were asking what I did then. You should be proud, and if people ask let them know. My personality is more, see my actions, not my words. Keep it up, you will feel great. You get stronger with every pound you lose.

    The myfitnesspal app is really nice, somewhat better than Lose it!,
  • funnythunder
    My husband knows, he's trying to be supportive but isn't very good at it! lol My mum knows and I discuss it openly with her along with what exercises I've been doing. My co-worker knows because it's just me and him on a 12hour night shift and we motivate each other to exercise during the day etc. I told my SIL about the site but didn't go into much detail as to what I am doing but that is it.
    I have asked hubby not to tell his family (which he has done before when I have tried and I hate!)

    I guess you can't do it completely alone, but I find it better that only the select few know!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    At my job we have teams of 15 people. My team knows I am dieting and they know not to offer me junk food or candy. I also have a gym at work and some of my team mates workout with me. Plus they always ask me what I am having for my healthy lunch. I also post my pounds lose on facebook on sundays and if I don't my family gets on me. I find it easier because if I slip up everyone knows and iit holds me more accountable
  • Mommyof4ts
    So far ive only been public about it on here and with my husband. With friends and other close family members they become enablers to me and thats not helping. Ive found more help being public about it here then I ever have with friends or family.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm more private. I just like to do what I want to do and not be on public display. I have some minor health issues that while they are usually managed, sometimes I'll have a flare up that might side line me for a little bit. Not so much in the eating but definitely in the exercise department. It's also just nicer for me to have people notice out of the blue that I'm a little slimmer than to have told them and they're watching me expectantly. I just don't need the pressure! :tongue:

    However, at home my family knows what I'm doing because we're all trying to eat better. I'm all about health rather than just weight loss and the changes I'm making benefit my whole family. In fact, my husband has lost over 20 pounds since I started changing some things here and he's not even counting calories! I'd be mad since he's doing better than me but I'm just so happy it's working for him! Plus he's looking darn good. :smooched:
  • serabee5
    I used to "diet" alone and struggled every time! I had no support system at all. When I started MFP and realized I could link up with Facebook and Twitter I struggled from "embarrassment and then it occurred to me, "Anyone who looks at me can tell I am overweight so the only person I am hurting by not sharing my struggles is ME!" After that thought occurred to me I linked up my MFP with Facebook to test the waters and see what kind of response I would get. It has been overwhelmingly wonderful! I get daily support from friends and family with word of encouragement and love. They all know what I have left to lose. I have been very public with it this time. Also, I have found that the more public I am about it the more aware and accountable I hole myself in decision making. Especially since I know it will be posted by MFP on Facebook.

    Being public can be scary, but I think the benefits of honesty far outweigh the alternative of struggling alone.

  • wanda1956
    Well I have been on many weight loss plans and find that people sometimes aren't to kind. They make alot of comments that don't help.:explode: So a few peeps know but not all....I find that works best for me.
  • misskate1971
    misskate1971 Posts: 27 Member
    I think public is the way to go. I have so much support from my family & friends because I told them. Having the support of those people out there is just what I need.

    I guess everyone has to decide for themselves. I used to think I could do it alone & then I'll just "surprise" everyone when I lose the weight. Well, I think that talking about it with my closest friends & family has helped us to support each other.

    Good luck!
  • MaysMom
    MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
    I am an open book! I see it like it's my personal version of Biggest Loser. To be honest, it's been the best thing for me. Not only for the support, but my competitive, almost type-A personality doesn't like to admit failure. I have to succeed, because I can't let anyone know I failed... again. The constant scrutiney (in my mind) has been the biggest and best push to keep going. I now find I love talking about losing weight, eating better, being a better role model for my children and husband. Love it! Love it! Love it! Definitely the first time I have ever dieted and been happy about it. My MFP is linked to my FB account also. That positive feedback from family and friends when I've lost as little as .2 lbs that morning is fantastic. It gets me going and helps keep me going through the day.
  • namrettik
    Everyone at work knows, but I'm keeping it off facebook. I want my parents to be surprised the next time I see them. It might be enough to convince my mom that she can also lose weight. I started out overweight (still am, but only 6.5 pounds until healthy!) and my mom's been obese my entire life. I know I don't have as far to go as she would, but if I'm losing weight while working on a Master's degree and teaching part-time, she should have time to lose weight, too. :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Family, friends, and coworkers know however I don't talk about all the in's and out's of it. That's what I got this site for.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    I love talking about fitness and weight loss with my coworkers, as I work at a "Wellness Company" and they are very encouraging. As for friends though, I keep discussion to a minimum. And as for Facebook? I've probably only had one status about weight loss in 6 months. I feel like if I admit I've lost weight, I'll have to admit how big I was before!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I always lose in my face first, so people comment. I'm also pulling out my phone all the time and telling people why I love mfp :blushing:
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    I am not super public with it just because I have had some friends try to sabotage me in the past. I do let my MFP friends know what I am doing/thinking so they can keep me on track. This has been wonderful.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I openly discuss my "lifestyle changes" to the public and on my blog. It helps keep me in line as well as being a huge encouragement to keep going by what others share with me. And it also makes me feel a responsibility to help others with the same encouragement because I'm one who understands since I'm going through the same process.
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I'm public about it but people don't really give me tons of support. :( They think I'm nuts! That's why I love this website and the people!! Very supportive!!! Thanks everyone!! :)
  • Phoenyxtears
    My sorority sisters, MFP, a few friends, and my dad are the only ones that I'm willing to talk to and see me workout. Everyone else - no because they are extremely unsupportive and irritating.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    My boyfriend is my accountability partner and my biggest supporter. I let him know how I went at the gym and if I've been good with my eating. He just wants me to be happy and healthy. I'll sometime mention to my Mum about my weight and eating. Usually I talk to her about the gym :) I'm trying to convince her to come to Zumba with me.

    I think it's good to tell people. I had the goal of fitting into a dress for a themed party (I nearly got there) and I told most people at work about it. Others had similar goals -- no fast food, no cokes etc. I would always remind them just before they went on their break :) Curse me and my remembering skills! In exchange, people would ask how I was going with fitting into my dress. Now co-workers and I talk about our gyms. It's fun and supportive.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I am very public about it! 100 pounds gone it is kind of hard not to be because EVERYONE asks me anyway. Well those that recognize me anymore, anyway. I am literally not being recognized by people that haven't seen me for a while, so of course I am asked what I am doing, and I am very open about it. In the beginning I did kind of just keep it all to myself because it was what I was doing and I had to do it on my own.