Fitness Routines? Diet Plans?

fitnessfrek Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone im new to this site but im just curious does anyone have any fitness routines they can suggest to gain muscle? also i would love a diet plan or some diet suggestions to help slim down a little bit but at the same time maintain my muscle im open to ALL types of recipes as i love learning of new foods i enjoy.

Here is a little of my background im 5 foot 9 inches tall, 24, im moderately active im trying to increase it more. Any suggestions on workout plan or diet suggestions or anything it would be greatly appreciated. Even if you just email me and we can be email support buddies that works out great also. I live in Canada so if your from Canada even better as you can humor all the snow we get and the difficulties it can give us.

Well feel free to respond or message me and we can go from there thanks take care.


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    strength training with heavy weights will help maintain your lean muscle that you have and use your fat storage
  • I've just noticed that people substitute old high calorie items they used to eat with lower calorie/fat/whatever. I haven't seen many diet plans created - not to say that there isn't anyone following one.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I've just read "Your Best Body Now" by Tosca Reno. It contains both of what you are looking for in a very no-nonsense way. It's about eating cleanly (fresh foods, lean meats, variety) and building muscle. It was a quick read for me, because I skimmed parts I knew the science about, and skipped sections for age-groups I'm not. She has written several other books as well, also about diet and exercise. Get one from your library or buy a used copy. It's good information.
    You can also look at the food diaries of people who seem to be succeeding and message them if you have questions. Not everyone makes their diets public, but a lot of us do.
    A personal trainer is the best way to get set up on a plan set to your goals and body. If you can't afford one, try to find some friends on here similar to yourself and track each other.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Diet plan I follow is go natural, cut out everything processed or at least as much as possible. I eat way more veggies now make meals using them much more and rarely eat out. If you drink tea of coffee cut out all sugar, and use skim milk, it takes time to phase it into your life but I guarantee you that you will feel 10x better and have much more energy and drop the pounds. Our diets these days are filled with a lot of garbage even what is seemingly healthy on the surface at restaurants are usually filled with crap. My skin cleared up, I have gotten over a few health issues which have plagued me for years and I rarely lack energy these days usually waking up before my alarm clock now.
    Workout routine;
    cardio on mon-wed-fri
    weights tues-thurs-sat
    sun rest.
    switch the routine every 2 weeks changing days to confuse the body. I never do a weight routine anymore than 2 weeks straight to confuse the body as well makes it harder for the body to adapt and slow down. Get lots of protein in your diet 1 gram for every pound.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I've just noticed that people substitute old high calorie items they used to eat with lower calorie/fat/whatever. I haven't seen many diet plans created - not to say that there isn't anyone following one.

    Most people just do this. So instead of eating white bread they'll eat wholemeal for example. My best advice for fitness is to sign up for some personal training sessions and get a program drawn up for you. Especially one you can follow at home. Most don't use fancy equipment and you can buy these sorts of things at all sorts of department stores!
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