What are you reading?



  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    fear and loathing in las vegas (for like the millionth time)
    heals angels by hunter thompson
    beautiful creatures
    the mists of avalon
    to many to list all since I usally read a book a day or every 2 days

    i love fear and loathing! I haven't read any of his other books but I have eyed them a few times. How wrote beautiful creatures? I used to be able to read as much as you, but my pace has slowed down to a book a week.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    beautiful creatures is bykami garcia &margaret stohl
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    now if your looking for GOOD teen vampire stories I would recomend the vampire acadamy books
    for grown up books sherilyn kenyons dark hunter series is pretty good
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Just finished The Bishop's Man - Canadian Author and very good.
    Am currently reading the Twilight Series (yes, can't believe I am, but if it was good enough to get my son hooked on reading, I want to know why)
    Let the Great World Spin
    The Book of Negroes
    The Lost Symbol
    Secret Daughter.
    The Last Lecture
    My Life on the Run

    That's my list so far. Like the others, I keep adding to it, but I am trying to work through this list without getting sidetracked. The Larson series sidetracked me for a while, but so worth it.

    Read all of the Steig Larson books - EXCELLENT!! Highly recommend them if you love intrigue.
    Love Nicholas Sparks for a light read - have read all of his.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member

    bloodsucking fiends - christopher more
    you suck
    fooled (currently reading)

    I LOVE Christopher Moore so much! I read Practical Demonkeeping not too long ago. I haven't read Bloodsucking Fiends yet...
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I've read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I thought it was pretty good. Not my favorite book ever, but worth a read. Right now I'm nearly through Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, which is an incredible read. It's not perfect, but it's kind of awesome in spite of its inperfections. I read Connie Willis' Black Out a year ago, and then recently picked up All Clear (the two books started out as one and then she split them). I got totally confused and frustrated with All Clear because I couldn't remember what was going on from the first book. So I'm going to try re-reading Black Out and then try All Clear again. I just saw The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer in a middle school principal's office today and it looks amazing. I know it's for a younger audience, but holy crap...


    I LOVE Neal Stephenson...Cryptonomicon was awesome. I rarely start a book and abandon it- I almost always finish books but I started Cryptomonicon and read about twenty other books before I picked it up again. You're right- the book definitely has some fatal flaws. I'd submit the Cap'n Crunch deconstruction scene as an example. Good to know how to eat that perfectly but come on action action layers and plot more please!

    I'm in between books. I'm looking for a decent non fiction...maybe Sam Harris' new one called The Moral Landscape.

    P.S. I'm a life long avid reader and I love my Kindle and also read off of my phone constantly. It's just more convenient than holding a book while I'm nursing my baby etc.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. She is a bounty hunter & one tough cookie.

    Me too. I'm on #6. They're great! Grandma cracks me up.

    I loved Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. Having read a lot of regular Jane Austin, it's even funnier with the zombies and ninjas. :laugh:

    Also love the Sookie Stackhouse books, the Outlander series, and Harry Potter. I could (and have) read those over and over and over again.

    Terry Pratchet's discworld books are great fun, too. Like Tolkien meets Douglas Adams.
  • rottentreats
    Currently: MFP threads. loool
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Great post! I'm going to take up reading, considering I have a ton of time on my hands these days. I actually think my dad has a book that I've always wanted to read. I can't remember the name of it, but I'll remember when I see it today.

    At any rate, here's my list of books I want to read:

    1. Atlas Shrugged (started it twice, but never finished it)
    2. The Grapes of Wrath (come to think of it, that might be the book my dad has)
    3. Gone With The Wind
    4. More Stephen King (love it!)

  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - for the third time
    The Two Babylons by Rev. Alexander Hislop

    Want to read Fountainhead by Rand sometime this year.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I love a lot of genres. I do like romance as well, but not that cheesy lame romance..hahah. I will list what I have read RECENTLY (within the past few weeks):

    Black Silk
    Stuck In The Middle
    His Robot Girlfriend (eh)
    The Mating (Loved it)

    I have a few I haven't read yet on my Nook:
    Moby ****
    Wuthering Heights
    The Keeping

    My favorite book is "Comfort". I LOVE that book. I like fantasy, inspirational books or books with a meaning that leave you thinking, fiction... some other books I love that I can think of:

    Red Badge of Courage, Johnny Got His Gun, The Number series by Janet Evanovich (there are a lot, takes a while!) A Separate Piece, Just Listen, The Truth About Forever...can't remember anything right now, I am going to kick myself later because I LOVE reading. I have just read too many!

    Of course, my favorite books of all time are the Harry Potter books. I plan on reading the Lord of the Rings books soon.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Great post! I'm going to take up reading, considering I have a ton of time on my hands these days. I actually think my dad has a book that I've always wanted to read. I can't remember the name of it, but I'll remember when I see it today.

    At any rate, here's my list of books I want to read:

    1. Atlas Shrugged (started it twice, but never finished it)
    2. The Grapes of Wrath (come to think of it, that might be the book my dad has)
    3. Gone With The Wind
    4. More Stephen King (love it!)


    Stephen King lives about 20 minutes away from me, most people around here have either met him or seen him, and my Dad helped build his guest house. He saw him in his undies outside admiring his flowers. Hahaha.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. She is a bounty hunter & one tough cookie.

    Me too. I'm on #6. They're great! Grandma cracks me up.

    I loved Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. Having read a lot of regular Jane Austin, it's even funnier with the zombies and ninjas. :laugh:

    Also love the Sookie Stackhouse books, the Outlander series, and Harry Potter. I could (and have) read those over and over and over again.

    Terry Pratchet's discworld books are great fun, too. Like Tolkien meets Douglas Adams.

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have read ALL OF THESE! I love them so much!
  • CreativeRedhead
    I'm reading The Historian by Kostova at the moment with tons more stacked up beside my bed waiting for me. :wink:

    And I keep downloading the freebies for Kindle...I'll eventually get to those. :tongue:
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    I'm currently reading Watchers by Dean Koontz. I used to love reading horror books but i get scared too easily now so i've surprised myself at going back to it especially as i like to read in bed at night.

    My all time favourite genre is crime thrillers. I have recently read books by Karin slaughter, Harlan Coben, Linwood Barclay and Richard Montanari (there are more but i can't think of them right now)

    I also like to read Torey Haydens books, my ideal job would be to work with children who have had a rough start. I will be starting my degree in Childhood and Youth in May so hopefully one day i will be able to fulfill that wish.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I keep my list on goodreads.com
    Currently my 'to read' list has close to 300 novels. We'll see how many I get through this year. Usually I can read anywhere between 1-5 books a week depending on amount of free time to read and length of the book.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I've read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I thought it was pretty good. Not my favorite book ever, but worth a read. Right now I'm nearly through Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, which is an incredible read. It's not perfect, but it's kind of awesome in spite of its inperfections. I read Connie Willis' Black Out a year ago, and then recently picked up All Clear (the two books started out as one and then she split them). I got totally confused and frustrated with All Clear because I couldn't remember what was going on from the first book. So I'm going to try re-reading Black Out and then try All Clear again. I just saw The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer in a middle school principal's office today and it looks amazing. I know it's for a younger audience, but holy crap...


    I LOVE Neal Stephenson...Cryptonomicon was awesome. I rarely start a book and abandon it- I almost always finish books but I started Cryptomonicon and read about twenty other books before I picked it up again. You're right- the book definitely has some fatal flaws. I'd submit the Cap'n Crunch deconstruction scene as an example. Good to know how to eat that perfectly but come on action action layers and plot more please!

    I'm in between books. I'm looking for a decent non fiction...maybe Sam Harris' new one called The Moral Landscape.

    P.S. I'm a life long avid reader and I love my Kindle and also read off of my phone constantly. It's just more convenient than holding a book while I'm nursing my baby etc.

    Yeah, the Cap'n Crunch scene is not a favorite of mine. It really screws up the pace of the book. I actually dislike pretty much all of Randy chapters. I know that they are kind of the frame of the book, and that it ties everything together, but it's so freaking boring. He's the least interesting character.

    I've read Snow Crash. Y.T. is a badass.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I've read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I thought it was pretty good. Not my favorite book ever, but worth a read. Right now I'm nearly through Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, which is an incredible read. It's not perfect, but it's kind of awesome in spite of its inperfections. I read Connie Willis' Black Out a year ago, and then recently picked up All Clear (the two books started out as one and then she split them). I got totally confused and frustrated with All Clear because I couldn't remember what was going on from the first book. So I'm going to try re-reading Black Out and then try All Clear again. I just saw The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer in a middle school principal's office today and it looks amazing. I know it's for a younger audience, but holy crap...


    I LOVE Neal Stephenson...Cryptonomicon was awesome. I rarely start a book and abandon it- I almost always finish books but I started Cryptomonicon and read about twenty other books before I picked it up again. You're right- the book definitely has some fatal flaws. I'd submit the Cap'n Crunch deconstruction scene as an example. Good to know how to eat that perfectly but come on action action layers and plot more please!

    I'm in between books. I'm looking for a decent non fiction...maybe Sam Harris' new one called The Moral Landscape.

    P.S. I'm a life long avid reader and I love my Kindle and also read off of my phone constantly. It's just more convenient than holding a book while I'm nursing my baby etc.

    Yeah, the Cap'n Crunch scene is not a favorite of mine. It really screws up the pace of the book. I actually dislike pretty much all of Randy chapters. I know that they are kind of the frame of the book, and that it ties everything together, but it's so freaking boring. He's the least interesting character.

    I've read Snow Crash. Y.T. is a badass.

    Snow Crash is one of my favorite books. I resisted reading it for a very long time (I only got around to reading it when I felt that I had read any other science fiction book worth reading) and I'm glad I did because it was a great book.
    I personally think that Stephenson- I need to read more of his background info- has nailed how it feels to be biracial better than anything I've ever read with Hero. Yeah, Y.T. kicks major *kitten*. I just wanted her to allow herself to be a little more vulnerable though...but that goes against her M.O.
  • spaceangel66
    Right now I'm reading Play Dirty by Sandra Brown. I have about 30 books on my shelf I need to get through...Karin Slaughter, Greg Iles, Harlan Coban, James Patterson just to name a few.

    I read on my lunch break and one of my coworkers says I'm still reading "old school" because I don't have a Kindle or Nook. :laugh: