30 Day Shred- level 3- anyone who has done this level.

mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Today was supposed to be my last day of the Shred but my wrists are KILLING me!!!! Level 3 is so hard on my wrists! Has anyone else had this problem?? Yesterday I got through it but I had to do modified push ups and everything else because of how bad they hurt and I haven't been able to move them for a few days now! LOL! Today I just couldn't do it. They need a break! They seriously feel like they are going to snap in half!


  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    You should definitely wait until your wrists feel better. Don't push it. I pulled a muscle at the end of level 2 and had to take a 2 day break(in bed all day for those 2 days). When I decided to get back at it, I had to do modified moves for half of level 3. The rest did me well and also the modifird moves. Ice them, wrap them up and take a few days rest. If you're not feeling better soon, I advice you to go to the doctors just to be safe.

    Hope you get well soon!

  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    You could always substitute some of the level 2 activities for the level 3 ones that are hurting you.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    You could always substitute some of the level 2 activities for the level 3 ones that are hurting you.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    Id say take a rest day too...it will do you the world of good...Im finishing level 1 this week, so Im concerned that level 3 makes your wrists hurt!!?? Is there a special deadline you are trying to meet at the end of Shred? If not then it wont hurt to even give yourself 2 days off....or do something lighter, less intense...

    Good Luck!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    No deadline. It is just the last day. But I've been doing it for 30 days so I think I'm done! :) I have boney wrists and I think they are probably just week. Level 3 has a lot of plank position exercises so I think it was just hard on them. I am taking a little break and then I will either re-do the shred or start P90X. I am familiar with P90X and there isn't as much plank stuff in it. I have loved the Shred but man! My wrists really hurt! If they don't feel better after a break, I will go in to see if I did something.
    Id say take a rest day too...it will do you the world of good...Im finishing level 1 this week, so Im concerned that level 3 makes your wrists hurt!!?? Is there a special deadline you are trying to meet at the end of Shred? If not then it wont hurt to even give yourself 2 days off....or do something lighter, less intense...

    Good Luck!
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    That would be ashame if you have done damage because of the shred... what is the pbx thing? Ive briefly seen people talk about it but dont know what it is...?? I wonder if I will like it?
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    P90X is awesome! The workouts are about 60-90 min though every day. They are different every day so it doesn't get boring and is supposed to confuse your muscles. It really is a good workout program!
    That would be ashame if you have done damage because of the shred... what is the pbx thing? Ive briefly seen people talk about it but dont know what it is...?? I wonder if I will like it?
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