Got Twins?!



  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    I put out 2 eggs and they were in 2 different I was told:)

    2 eggs=fraternal

    Here's a link to just add to the confusion....

    Now, just to make it worse....this has some fascinating info for the tolerant of studiousness person! It is long and deep reading, especially towards the bottom, with scientific descriptions of different types of twins. Don't mind me if you don't find it particularly fascinating like I do... =)
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Im Sam, mum to 3.5 year old frat boys. 3 year olds are special huh? Half the time Im laughing my *kitten* off at the funny things they do, the other half I want to run away and hide lol.
    I got asked just this morning about my boys ages:
    "You have twins?"
    "How old is that one?"
    "And how old is the other one?"
    "........really? They are the same age......" lol
    Dumbest question would have to be who do you like the best. My answer is usually - who ever is behaving lol
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    I don't have children myself, but I have 3.5 year old twin neices. I thought you parents of twins might like this example of twin logic: when it was my Mum's birthday, the twins were quite insistant that it was Granny AND Grandpa's birthday (I know some couples do have their birthday on the same day, but my parents don't). Now I reckon this is perfectly good logic if you are 3: we are a pair, and we have our birthday on the same day. Granny and Grandpa come as a pair, so they must have their birthday on the same day too! They wouldn't be told otherwise!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I put out 2 eggs and they were in 2 different I was told:)

    2 eggs=fraternal

    Here's a link to just add to the confusion....

    Now, just to make it worse....this has some fascinating info for the tolerant of studiousness person! It is long and deep reading, especially towards the bottom, with scientific descriptions of different types of twins. Don't mind me if you don't find it particularly fascinating like I do... =)

    "tolerant of studiousness" I loved that!!!
    When I was preggo with my two and on bed rest I did SO much in depth reading so that I could fully understand the processes between the types of twins. Just like on babycenter, this board became a banter about types of twins and what they are. I shoulda' seen that coming! There are so many questions to be answered that I just decided to go and do the scientific research and understand it myself instead of trying to figure it out through online posts, so that helped me a lot. lol.

    It's so great to see stories from all the other twin moms out there. I feel like I will never get back to pre-baby weight. People keep telling me that I have "two good excuses" but I don't want to see it that way! The babies are not an excuse to be overweight, so I gotta lose this last 20 for THEM, not me!! They deserve a fit and playful mamma!
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    Hello! My name is Simone. I have 5 boys and my 3rd and 4th are my twins. They were Dichorionic-Diamniotic twins. So we had to wait and see if they looked alike and then consider zygosity testing. Which after much nagging from me my dh who thought my twins were fraternal, he agreed to letting me buy the test kit. We got the results about 2 weeks before their 1st birthday. I was right. They were indeed identical. My dh thought they were frats because Eli was redder and thinner than Peyton. Peyton still is chunkier than Eli, but their skin tones the same now. it's hard to believe that they will be 5 on the 6th.

    How far along were you when you had them and how big were they?

    I had mine at 36 weeks 3 days by induction. Peyton was 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches and Eli was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19.75 inches. So they were very close and people are still amazed that I carried almost 14 pounds of babies.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Hi all! I have b/g twins who will be 10 in June. Truly, the loves of my life! It's a wild ride, but so worth it! Friend request me and I will add you.

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