when did you finally "get it"



  • mistawalka
    mistawalka Posts: 108 Member
    I think I've always had it - we had some pretty good health/nutrition info from school sports through to the amateur rugby club I played for.

    My question would be when did I finally want it? And that happened towards the end of last year watching the health of my father-in-law decline due to cancer and having in the back of my mind the poor health my own father is in due to obesity - I wanted to do something to avoid the family inheritence.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I have always known in the back of my mind hard work and eating right was the way to do it.... but I was surrounded by people who were using quick fixes and dropped weight quickly. The whole b12 shot and diet pill program worked for soo many people and I was frustrated after WW didn't work for me and Atkins was way too hard, if I could have afforded I would have done. It clicked when those people stopped going and within a few short months they were heavier than when they started. I have been fortunate to find MFP, I'm LEARNING how to eat proper portions and exercise more regularly and its working. 2 months on WW I lost .5 lbs and spent 100.00 , 5 weeks here and down 15, "light bulb" this works! It's the right way , and the weight will stay gone because this isn't a diet (oh and its free), its a change for the better!
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I knew what I wanted and how to get there...I was there once before. I just got too lazy and liked my pizza and ice cream too much.

    This is just like me. I knew that I would have to change how and what I was eating and I didn't want to. Last year I thought, I really want to lose weight and look a little less like a fat slob; all I wanted at that point was to not be visually obese though. I applied to be in a contest and when I did not get chosen, I kind of gave up. Then I tried the contest again this year and I did get picked. That still didn't put it ALL together for me... I thought I would just give up soda and fast food for the 8 weeks, and hit the gym 6 days a week like the rest of the group who are in the contest. Until we had our first workout... I weighed in at 30lbs more than I thought I weighed, and I absolutely couldn't keep up with ANY of the others in the contest. I was the biggest (proportionally) of the group and the least in shape. I VERY quickly realized that it was time to put all the head knowledge together with the opportunity that had presented itself. I am still not able to do 6 days a week at the gym (well I could, but its a 25 minute drive and when I am only doing about 20 minutes of a workout at a time, it's not worth the gas money). So I got some new games for my Wii and bought a couple of accessories I can use at home, went grocery shopping JUST FOR ME, and set up some goals and rewards for myself. I am not losing 5-10lbs a week like the rest of the people in my contest, but I AM losing about 2 each week. I am not exercising as much as the others, but I AM exercising, and I AM increasing how much I can do. I am not going to win the contest, but I AM going to win overall because I am learning what my body needs and wants, and it is not a third doughnut because my husband just ate 3! Yup, I finally "got it!"
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Just one day I realized how FAT I was. I was looking at my family christmas photos and I was discusted at myself and being out of breath rolling over in bed was a huge indicator I needed to do something and that was it. I started eating right and it's been a bit over a year now and I am well on my way to being at goal weight.