military fitness classes - the best exercise class i have ev

I'm new to this fab site and wanted to try and get more people into what i can only describe as the 'best exercise class i have ever done'. I have always exercised and most of the time i stuck to the same-ish things in the gym like many people do. Late last year a military fitnes class started near me and i have been going to it and i cannot believe how good it is. You exercise outdoors, what ever the weather, the class is led by ex-army guys with an unbeatable attitude and it is so so exhilarating i cannot describe it. Some weeks i have had to wear 2 pairs of trousers it was so cold and i arrive home soaked with bright red legs and bum, but i have never arrived home wishing i hadn't gone. It has changed my body in a way that i never achieved at the gym, the exercise is non-stop, challenging but varied. I urge anyone that has a class near them to give it a try, you will not regret it.