I've fallen and I can't get up



  • rokikio
    Not sure what to say girl. All I can tell you is we are all here for you when you fall off the bandwagon and to see you get back on. This weight loss journey is hard and you are doing a great job. You just have to believe things will get better. You are a strong woman. You can do this!
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

    Good Luck! Just keep moving!
    I love this, thank you for posting this.
    I think sometimes we get caught up in a day, a week a time frame we set to lose the weight and forget the real reasons we do this. This is for the rest of your life, we can't predict the future nor change the past but today is a day that we can try to do our best. You can't ask anything more of yourself than your best for that day.
  • tatiana_13
    Hey there. When I'm having a bad day or a bad couple of days, I just pat myself on the back, take a walk, tell myself everyone falters, and it will be okay.

    But when i'm having a bad couple of weeks or a bad month (which it sounds like you're having)...Its different. Because, as you know, the stakes are high. That's when I tell myself, its not okay. And that everything stops now, because it has too. I don't have any other choice. Because that's what I would tell an alcoholic who fell of the wagon. That's what I would tell a diabetic who stopped talking their insulin. That they can turn things around. And they can do it. And they can do it TODAY. They can do it NOW. Whether they feel up to it or not. Because its not going to be any easier the next meal. Or the next few pounds you gain. If you wait until you "feel like it," you'll be waiting until you're back where you started. I speak from experience.

    So do what you need to do to turn things around. Right now. Throw out the junk food. Throw in an exercise tape. Its not easy. But in two or three days, you'll start to feel better. And you'll create your own motivation.