US Gov. Dietary Guidelines

I found this document on the U.S. Department of Agriculture/U.S. Department of Health and Human Service website and it's really informative! I did a search and it doesn't look like anyone else posted it even though it's from 2010 (they update every 5 years or so)

I wanted to make sure that my nutrient goals on MFP were in line with my specific gender and age, and on page 76 of this document you can get the correct values so you can update your goals. Some of the MFP presets were off, like fiber by more than 50%, and some just needed a little fine tuning like sodium from 2500 to 2300. There are some good resources, for families too, at the main website:

Hopefully this will help someone else too!
There are lots of good suggestions on how to diet and how to make dieting affordable and fit into your lifestyle. It's a very practical document.

Here's to health!


  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks for the info I will check this out. I really though MFP's fibre was way off. I am always over on my sugar intake because I eat more fruit and green smoothies and so forth........which also makes my fibre high on the MPF charts. Fibre is filling and comes from good whole foods.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I wouldnt actually say that mfp underestimates fiber by much, Last i knew the RDA was 12g of fiber per 1000 calories. which means 24 for a 2000 calories diet. Mine is only 14g but i only eat 1200

    I studied these right before the new RDAs came out, thanks for the amazing read! bookmarking it :]
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I believe they cut the sodium February 1, 2011 to 1500mg. I think the sugar was adjusted too. Google USDA dietary 2011 and you should find it.