Belly Fat...please help me



  • mama_mia3
    Honestly, cardio is the way to go. However, if what you have hanign is loose skin, unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of it except through surgery.

    NO. I would be mildly happy with loose skin. and then I'd just go buy alot of painters tape. (lol). Seriously thought, it's 100% lard with skin, stretch marks and 3 c-section scars.

    I should probably add that I am in this for the long haul. There's no quick fix to my took 10 years to pack it on so it's not going away easily. I have a goal set to be down 75 lbs by Jan. 27, 2012...a year from when I started here on MFP. Then once that happens I'm giving myself another year to tone up and lose another 30 - 40 to be close to where I once was 15 years ago - (my profile pic reminds me that that version of myself is still in there somewhere under all this).

    Keep the suggestions coming. Even the "you're not going to like to hear this..." lol. I do appreciate all of them so far!!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member

    i dream of a flat belly
  • sabrehunter
    sabrehunter Posts: 6 Member
    get a fit ball/swiss ball and start developing your core - I have noticed a huge difference from just doing that
    I too have a 'pouch' from babies and fear that it will never go away - but don't wait until you have lost the weight to tone - imagine how many abdominal exercise you can fit in in a year?

    you will have more success with cardio + strength training; add exercises that develop your lower abs - there are heaps out there bicycle crunches are pretty good

    my motto is muscle burns more than fat - so even if you can't see the muscle you are developing through weights - it's under there burning away
  • mama_mia3
    mama_mia3 can I ask how much weight in total you have lost.

    This is my biggest fear about losing the weight.

    In 3 weeks, I've lost 10 lbs. Sorry if the profile pic is deceiving anybody, but I've put that up there for myself to stare at every time I log in. That was a skinnier me and I'd like to be close to that again!!
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    Hey! Good point about surgery pumping up self esteem!
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    Oh yeah - one more thing, Mama Mia and everyone else: Do NOT do anything that makes you feel humiliated. Posting photos of your fat belly will make you feel bad about yourself. Doing stuff like that is a thing of the past. From now on, you're going to respect yourself and treat yourself like a dear friend that you protect and wont tolerate ANYone talking crap about (especially yourself!) You wouldnt EVER say stuff like that to ME, "Your disgusting stomach looks like play bloop from the toy store - its disgusting." Right? And you don't even KNOW me. So - move away from being mean to my new friend Moma Mia!

    Got it? <3

    Just want to say that i love this!! It is the kind of attitude that breeds success!! Very well said sunshine!
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    I have been doing 30 min of cardio boxing, and between 20-45 minutes of zumba pretty much daily for the past 2 weeks, and core yoga and my husband has noticed weight loss mostly in my stomach/lower stomach area. What exercise are you doing most of? I highly recommend cardio boxing and zumba, maybe I am crazy but my stomach feels very worked out after each!
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    I've heard HIIT (AND CLEAN EATING!!!) can really get the job done!! Search the forums on here, as there's been tons of posts and debate--all of which can cover it much better than I could!
    I'm giving it a try and noticed an immediate increase in weight loss. In fact, I'm pretty sure that using HIIT during running is what got me over a plateau I was experiencing.

    Seriously check it out. The studies sound pretty promising.

    Oh. And good luck. And remember that if you find the cure, you HAVE to share it!!!!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Hate to tell you but your abs are not your big fat burning muscle groups, you need to work your legs (especially) and arms. In general, you need to work and strengthen your entire body (more muscles you work the more muscles you have burning fat). Cardio is a great fat burner and can take you most of the way, but only with strength training can you finish (but that's further down the road). Think of it this way, your abs can only get so flat with training, the fat above the muscles will still be there (and slouching). You have to go through the arduous task of burning off the fat so you can see those abs that you've been working on.

    If you need reassurance, take before pics if you haven't already. Then lose 10 - 20 pounds and take another pic. I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Totally agree! Great post. You have got to do strength training and work on building muscle so that it continues to burn calories after your workout (cardio workouts are great burners, but the burn doesn't last for long after you finish).

    My belly is the last thing to go (well that and the back of my arms) and I have lost 30 lbs. I can see it going down though as I add more muscle overall to my body. I also eat a diet that I have found really limits my overall bloating too. That helps my stomach to not be so distended.
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    You asked for exercises that would help tone and work your lower abs....well the BEST thing i've ever done and tried is called the Bender ball.....they sell them at walmart or you can get them online the great thing about the bender ball is that it lifts up the lower body and positions you perfectly to tone the lower abs....TRUST me you'll feel it and like the results. Its going to be a long journey, but if your asking for a great workout for your lower abs this is what Id DEF recommend. As this is one of my areas that I try to focus on while doing abs. And, if you get going on it and want some more tips on things to use it with to push you further just let me know! of coarse weight loss is going to be key in loosing a good part of it too so dont give up on that either! good luck!
  • caribbean1019
    My girlfriends sister lost 150 lbs and of course had to contend with the sagging skin and belly issues everyone has commented about. I would like to share what her trainer suggested. She bought pallates (I think thats how you spell it) work out series ,and incorporated the pallates into her workout schedule 3 times a week along with going to curves. It helped her so much to tone and build muscle while she lost the weight. It worked for her she looks just awesome and has been on a maintenance program for 2 years now and has only fluctuated 10 lbs.

    I hope this helps someone
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    One word for you: CARDIO. Lots and lots of CARDIO.
  • rdy2begin
    Oh yeah - one more thing, Mama Mia and everyone else: Do NOT do anything that makes you feel humiliated. Posting photos of your fat belly will make you feel bad about yourself. Doing stuff like that is a thing of the past. From now on, you're going to respect yourself and treat yourself like a dear friend that you protect and wont tolerate ANYone talking crap about (especially yourself!) You wouldnt EVER say stuff like that to ME, "Your disgusting stomach looks like play bloop from the toy store - its disgusting." Right? And you don't even KNOW me. So - move away from being mean to my new friend Moma Mia!

    Got it? <3
    Agreed This is your moment of shining ...we are in this together ..lots of work and determination ..We can ALL get there !! ((hugs))
  • rdy2begin
    My girlfriends sister lost 150 lbs and of course had to contend with the sagging skin and belly issues everyone has commented about. I would like to share what her trainer suggested. She bought pallates (I think thats how you spell it) work out series ,and incorporated the pallates into her workout schedule 3 times a week along with going to curves. It helped her so much to tone and build muscle while she lost the weight. It worked for her she looks just awesome and has been on a maintenance program for 2 years now and has only fluctuated 10 lbs.

    I hope this helps someone
    wow ty for sharing this !!! Will invest in this as well :)
  • cheechersmom
    I feel your on, (this was a post I put up the other day.) Forget the sit ups and crunches...

    I went to see my doctor today, who seemed impressed with my progress so far. This meant alot to me since my doctor is one of the fittest people I know and he's not fond of FAT people :o( I have lost a total of 31lbs lost since December 2010, which he compared to losing a BABY SEAL! lol. He suggested I up my calorie intake to 1400 though. That means a slightly slower paced weight loss, but, I think I'll take the advice of a guy who's done a ton of marathons and competed in an Iron-man competition!
    Also, as far as my baby/ cesarean belly, he said I could do sit ups till I'm blue in the face and it won't solve the problem. (a flabby apron of overhanging blubber) lol

    His solution was every other day, add 15 mins of muscle work after 30 to 45 mins of cardio. Forget the arms and abs, he said to concentrate on below the waist line. Targeting Thighs and Buttocks which are the two largest muscles in the body. An increase in muscle here means more calorie burning power overall and eventually a shrinking belly.

    He said he could wiggle his finger 24 hours a day and try and get a skinny finger, but it would only grow stronger with fat still around it. (I.E don't bother with the crunches and ab based work outs) You need to work the whole body to lose the weight. I'm hoping this works.