Hey Runners - Major Blister Help Needed



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thank you for understanding. I am stuck because I KNOW what is giving me blisters -- its the insoles. But any other insole or less motion controlled shoe result in severe foot pain and severe arch pain. So that isnt an option...

    I think vaseline and some new socks are going to be in order. I have no tried the vaseline yet. I might try the duct tape although I am afraid as well. The moleskin hurts bad when pulling it off atfer a run, thus I am afraid of the duct tape as well.

    I guess I am lucky that I dont get toe blisters, or blisters on the upper top of the bottom foot like most people, just weird that I need to get them on the inside of the arch and heel... :)
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I have a very good friend that recently became a convert to wool socks. But I have another one that got major blisters from them. I think it's like dieting...different things work for different people. But unless you try it, you won't know if it works for you.

    Heading out for what will probably be a challenging 7 miles due to my route, and I just duct taped my left foot as an insurance policy!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have a very good friend that recently became a convert to wool socks. But I have another one that got major blisters from them. I think it's like dieting...different things work for different people. But unless you try it, you won't know if it works for you.

    Heading out for what will probably be a challenging 7 miles due to my route, and I just duct taped my left foot as an insurance policy!!

    Good luck on your run - but you wont need it because you will rock it!
    I am resting today ... I start p90x tomorrow and Iam planning a 4 miler on Tuesday!
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    OMG, what a great thread! I have all the toenail problems mentioned earlier - hadn't thought about upping my shoe size. Looks like I'm going running shoe shopping soon. Thanks!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I have a very good friend that recently became a convert to wool socks. But I have another one that got major blisters from them. I think it's like dieting...different things work for different people. But unless you try it, you won't know if it works for you.

    Heading out for what will probably be a challenging 7 miles due to my route, and I just duct taped my left foot as an insurance policy!!

    Yeah, it's definitely a case of what works for one person might not work for another. I love my merino wool socks. They've not stopped the blistering completely, but they have definitely helped and are so comfortable and dry even when I'm hot. Merino wool is not cheap so that is a drawback to trying them 'just in case' - but then good socks are often a little more expensive. The ones I have are PHD ones, and they do all sorts of different types.

    ~Anyway, I hope that all the blister sufferers find the answer they need...like I said before, the feet do begin to toughen up, but it takes ages!

  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I have a very good friend that recently became a convert to wool socks. But I have another one that got major blisters from them. I think it's like dieting...different things work for different people. But unless you try it, you won't know if it works for you.

    Heading out for what will probably be a challenging 7 miles due to my route, and I just duct taped my left foot as an insurance policy!!

    Good luck on your run - but you wont need it because you will rock it!
    I am resting today ... I start p90x tomorrow and Iam planning a 4 miler on Tuesday!

    Thanks...I did. Wasn't a particularly fast run, but probably one of the BEST runs I have had in awhile!!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    My hubby's a soldier and he duct tapes his march before the 25 and 50 mile ruck marches. He used to get terrible blisters from his boots but he hasn't had a single one since he started duct taping.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok ... I am thinking of trying this duct tape thing too ..
    So I wrap it all of the way around my arch then?
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Ok ... I am thinking of trying this duct tape thing too ..
    So I wrap it all of the way around my arch then?

    Yep. I usually go around twice with the final "wrap" ending on the top of my foot. Should be tight, but not overly so. It will stay in place and I swear it will come right off!! But if you have a blister, you will still want to protect that area with a little gauze or something. You may have to play with it a few times to get it right...I know it took me a bit of trial and error when I first started doing it in terms of tighness and exactly how to wrap my foot, but as you know, I swear by it.
  • jackie15
    This info is great. I've had the same problems on my arches for a while now and it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to train for a marathon in October and I've now missed two long runs now which is starting to make me panic.

    I'm definitely going try the duck tape and some more sock combos. My physio has recommended having two pairs of thin socks - one being a stocking sock - I haven't tried it yet but brought some yesterday and will let you know how it goes. I've also got alcohol swabs to use each day to toughen the skin up.

    For those recommending the Vaseline, I have tried this and found it good in the past but for some reason isn't helping this time. Make sure you have socks that at least come up to your ankles though and not the low ones as it can make the socks slip more.
  • jackie15
    I forgot to ask as well has anyone tried GoEngo blister patches? They are meant to go on the shoe instead of the skin