What do you want to do before you die?

I am not sure, but I would like to travel. I want to show my kids new places and experiences. I would most like to go to Germany and see the concentration camps, and anything having to do with the Holocaust. I would absolutely love to take my Dad different places, countries, and give him a chance to travel. He deserves it. Take my kids to Disney world, or any place like that. I really want to help people, maybe send care packages to soldiers that need it. I use a site already to send letters to soldiers, but I want to do more. I want to go out of this world knowing I have made a difference. I would like to possibly adopt a child.

Also....MEET GREEN DAY. And Neil Young.

Those are just things off the top of my head, what about you?


  • spaceangel66
    Visit Italy and Australia and meet Steven Tyler and Jon Bon Jovi. :smokin:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Learn a few languages, how to play a guitar..the piano..to sing...go to all of the beaches and islands I can find and visit w/out getting shot at..write a few books, see all of my children graduate from college, finish the quilt that I started, see my bff's get married, hang out with my grandchildren, learn how to ride a horse. And more!
  • elfie9863
    Visit Italy and Australia and meet Steven Tyler and Jon Bon Jovi. :smokin:

    Sorry ... but they will both be quite busy...along with George Clooney and the Chippendale Dancers!!!!!!

  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I would like to get laid before I die lol *blushes* it would suck to die a virgin....
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I would like to get laid before I die lol *blushes* it would suck to die a virgin....

    inb4 150,000,000 internet men proposition you :)
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I would like to get laid before I die lol *blushes* it would suck to die a virgin....

    inb4 150,000,000 internet men proposition you :)

    bahaha!!! no propositions yet lol
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I would like to get laid before I die lol *blushes* it would suck to die a virgin....

    haha i know how you feel
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    here are a few...

    run a half marathon
    travel all over
    climb mt rainier
    fly a helicopter or airplane
    have kids (i go back and forth on this one)
    have low enough body fat for abs to show through
    save a million dollars
    clean up the garage
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Travel! My daughter and I already have plans to tour Italy when she graduates from high school. I'm hoping for an Alaskan cruise in the next year or so.
    I'd love to be able to visit as many grave sites as possible for my favorite authors.
    Hike in as many national parks as possible.
    Swim with manatee's! It's been on in the top five of my to-do's since I was a kid. My number 1 goes along with Alaska...I want to see the Aurora Borealis.
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I would like to get laid before I die lol *blushes* it would suck to die a virgin....

    Alrighty then.......that's a tough act to follow. Can't top that request.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have a 5 gallon "can" that is about 1/2 full of coins that will finance a trip to Australia. I would also like to try skydiving once. My boyfriend agreed to jump out of a perfectly good plane (he doesn't do well with heights) with me once I reach 150. At some point I would like to personally drive a vehicle in the 17 states I have not yet done so in.
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    Tour Italy with my daughter, and visit the place where my grandmother's family originated.
    Climb Mt. Washington (hope to do that this spring!)
    Learn to Scuba Dive
    Hike part of the Ap. Trail
    See my children grown, sucessful and happy.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    To successfully take over the world by infecting people with my knowledge. I'm dead serious with that one too.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I would like to get laid before I die lol *blushes* it would suck to die a virgin....

    Don't be in a big hurry! As I sit here listening to my 8 year old whining to have me make him a valentine box, my 6 year old sprawled across my bed saying, "Mom, my head hurts. Tickle my back.", my 4 year old crying because she has to wear her eye patch, and my 21 month old crying because he has a cold and is miserable I think that I just want to enjoy 10 uninterrupted minutes of peace and quiet before I die.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    It will sound weird but to close the door on this life that has been and start a new one somewhere else in the country.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I want to ......
    ride in a hot air balloon
    go on a cruise with my hubby
    get my children grown without them getting into serious trouble
    enjoy my kids and grandkids
    lose the rest of my weight
    just enjoy life more then I have in the last 4 yrs
    get my house paid off
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    Would love to travel everywhere if I could!!! Also loose the twenty pounds of after cancer weight that I put on, finding that to be very hard with a slow metabalism rate, that I have now!! Just looking for something that will boost that metabilism up some what to see a weight loss!!! Not really that happy with the way I look and feel!!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I want to go on a Beatles pilgramage to England.

    Yup :heart:
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    Buy a motorhome and see more of the U.S.. Maybe take a few months in each region and see a lot of the "off the main road" things. I'd also like to hike more and see more of the National Parks.