Too many reasons to eat!

ltowne Posts: 129 Member
The past few days have really been difficult and the upcoming week doesn't look much better! Anniversary, birthday, girls night out, and Valentine's day are all big occasions (reasons) to eat! I seem to find excuse after excuse to go ahead and eat the things that I shouldn't during these special occasions! I have been exercising, but I seem to go ahead and eat all the wrong things since I can justify it by doing the exercise. I haven't gained, but haven't lost anything his past week either. I need to find the willpower that I had before....any suggestions on how to get back on track?


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I totally know the feeling. What I've been trying to do is to plan ahead. If I know we'll be eating out, I look at the menu and the nutrition info for the restaurant and choose something that fits within my goals, or as close as possible. If it's a place that just has a lot of high-cal stuff, or something like cake, I watch my portion sizes and then work around that meal for the rest of the day, taking in fewer calories in my other meals so I'm not completely derailed. You can have anything you want when you're counting calories -- you can have cake, candy, pop, whatever! You just can't have a whole lot of it, and you ca'nt have it all at once. So if you want birthday cake, have a smaller piece than normal, and do an extra workout and/or eat lower-cal stuff the rest of the day. You don't have to deprive yourself, you just need to learn to organize your indulgences better. :)
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I DO need to plan ahead, be proactive instead of reactive, and organize my calories. I am going to look at the restaurant's menu tonight and plan my day out for tomorrow's dinner out! Thanks bunches!
  • jar3827
    also, if you arent going out to eat, try to choose healthy alternatives... use less sugar, have sugar free cookies or something else sweet but lower in calories. use whole wheats for pasta, and have lots of veggies and fruits. and if you splurge on one meal, try to have a lower calorie alternative for your other meals---a nice salad with fat free dressing on the side. try to fill up on the lower calorie items and then just have one portion of the higher calorie item. and if you are going to a party, be sure to eat something low cal before you go so you arent as tempted to pig out on the cookies and other treats that are inevitably going to be there
  • caribbean1019
    Sounds great, planning when you are going out. What I use to do is if I know I am going out for a dinner, I watch and do some trade offs with my other meals, it helps compensate for the dinner out and then still make a healthy choice at the restaurant.

    Trading off is like if I want to have some butter with a roll at dinner I watch my fats at the other meals as an easy example.

    I have to take each day as my new day or I will get to defeated with my thinking, so each day I focus on my excercise, eating etc. The whole one day at a time it works well and then I dont fall into the old throw in the towel like I use to years ago. good luck, you can do it !!
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    So true....Each day needs to be a new beginning. I think back on all of the eating mistakes that I make and keep dwelling on them. I need to focus on the here and now. Thanks for the advice and good luck to you too!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    You are the only one that can stop the excuses. You have to really want it to work and you have to make it work. We can all be here to support you but ultimately it's up to you. I want chocolate all the time but I have to say no or those 6.5 inches that I've lost off my butt will be all for not. I have to be in control of my journey and yes there will be times that I eat that piece of cake or have that ice cream but I will control the amount and eat sensibility. You can eat it but just in moderation. Don't go over board and you can be part of the party. Good luck on your journey and I will still be here for you in the morning.