Exercise for Dummies.....need advice please!

emiann1985 Posts: 15
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a membership to a gym and today was my first time going (this is the start of me going daily). Anyone have any tips on how I should start out, for how long, and what machines??? I'm new at this and I don't want to hurt myself, push myself to where I want to quit and I want to see results (weight loss). I'm open for any advice!! Thanks!


  • The best experience I had was with a personal trainer who told me you will not consistently lose weight by doing the same exercise every day - change it up every time. In other words, one day focus on cardio, the next day weight training and the next day do circuit training. She was correct. I lost weight and looked the best I've ever looked. Unfortunately she moved to Argentina but it's the best advice I can give. Best of luck to you.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    most gyms offer a free hour with a trainer when you sign up. See if your gym offers that! They will take you though and show you how to use everything and where to start!
  • Thank You!!!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have to agree, meeting with a Pt set me up on the right track. My first year I met with him every 4 months or so. Now that I'm almost at goal and want to push myself more and more I meet him 2x a month.

    Congrats on getting out there. Remember you'll get back what you put into it. Good luck!!!!!
  • My best experience at the gym is taking classes!!

    Find a schedule at your gym and take a class or two! Try to experiment with Yoga, kickboxing, weight lifting, Zumba, anything!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Start out with the machine weights, you may stick to these upto 6 weeks before moving on to the real weights (free weights). Have someone show you how to operate the machine weights, which will get you started with proper form. Since you're probably tryin to lose weight do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. I would recommend doin upper body twice a week and lower body twice a week for startin out. Also give yourself time to recover before workin the same body part agian. Also, they claim howerver, I personally don't think that it matters which you start with but they claim that if you are tryin to lose weight do your cardio before your weight training however, I've always done my cardio when I would finish my weight training. I like to have more energy while I am lifting weighs:) I hope that this could be off some help to you. Good luck.
  • I am by no means a pro! I generally go in and use the treadmill or stair climber for 15-20 mins and then go to the weights and do 2 sets of 20 reps. I work my upper and lower body at once three times a week alternating days to give my body a "rest". Then on my "off" days I do zumba, step, hula hoop or kickboxing classes. I wish you the best of luck and as said from the previous posts they should have a trainer to show you the equipment and create a plan for you!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Firstly you should get acquainted with all the different machines either by getting a staff member to help you so that you are using correct form and prevent injuries from occuring. After that it is your job to motivate yourself and use different machines to keep your body guessing. Like some other people mentioned a class is a great motivator as it pushes you and all the time you are usually having fun. Good luck to you :)
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