need some buddies.

hey .. i'm having trouble staying on track. i haven't been doing my regular exercising due to a ton of pain in my shoulder. I haven't been religiously tracking like i was when i first started. i've gained two pounds. i feel that the "friends" i have aren't motivating. (sorry if you read this and feel differently... feel free to delete me for being honest.) I'm just looking for some people who will actually motivate me and help me get out of this slump. i really appreciate it.. and i hope i'm not asking too much. thanks!


  • klchase33
    heyyyyyy add me i need help to... maybe we can help eachother i am in desperate need of losing weight.... HELP
  • YukonJoan
    I am struggling as well. I would greatly appreciate support. I am unable to motivate myself. How about doing 30 minutes of cardio tomorrow and then post what we did.
