veggie hotdogs??? and almond milk vs soy milk

I saw them at the store and was wondering what people though of them.. i am not a big meat eater currently so i would care about switching but i was wondering how they tasted... I saw that they are only 50 calorie per veggie frank... hmmm looks temping... tell me your opinion and which one is healthier soy milk or almond milk... I tried soy milk and it wasn't to bad i kinda of liked the chocolate one wasn't as sweet as the regular one but still okay.. let me know plz and thank you


  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    vegie hotdogs are delicious. i'd buy them over meat any day but they're kind of expensive here.
  • danni_appel
    danni_appel Posts: 10 Member
    I love veggie hot dogs too... the texture is a little different Im not gonna lie... but if you have it on a bun, with mustard or what ever; or have chili dogs... primo :)
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Depends on the brand of hotdog. Now the Gimme Lean Sausage bulk sausage is amazing. Boca burgers are awesome as well is their chili.

    Yummy, now I'm hungry :sad:
  • katieb99
    Smart dogs are really good, and i'm not sure which is healthier, but i prefer almond milk over soy milk any day.
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Morningstar was/is the best veggie dog.. by a mile.. but I can't find it anywhere here anymore :(I think they may have phased them out. I know they're owned by Kraft, yadda yadda, but their brand tastes much better, as their products are mostly made with egg whites as opposed to the very heavy/gross soy base of other veggie alternatives. The only other dog I tried was Yves, and it was pretty gross :/
    Almond milk, in my opinion, tastes far better than soy milk and is easier on your stomach. It also has much less calories. Just be sure to buy the low sugar/unsweetened kind (only 45 cals a serving, versus 90-100 cals a serving of unsweetened soy).
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Soy milk as much more protein over Almond milk!!! Go with the soy!
  • MemphisMarly
    Almond milk is DELICIOUS! And my mom says soy milk sometimes gives people stomachaches, so that is something to consider if you have a sensitive stomach.

    In my opinion:
    tastiest = almond milk
    next tastiest = soy milk
    least tastiest = rice milk (eww... I think this just tastes like water that rice had been cooked in)
  • AmeMahoney
    I'm not a big fan of veggie dogs and other processed vegetarian "meats." Some of them contain some pretty nasty ingredients and lots of sodium so there's not a big health benefit to them (unless you were going to eat the meat version instead, then maybe). If they weren't so processed and full of icky things, I could go back to being a full-time Vegan, I think. I love Chocolate Almond Milk, though. When I want regular almond milk, I just make it myself at home.

    I'm reading Robert Cheeke's "Vegan BodyBuilding & Fitness" right now, so hopefully I'll have some good ideas soon to get back on the Vegan track.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I've never really had a veggie dog I liked. And the ingredients lists scare me. I prefer the Hebrew National 97% Fat Free Franks. Only 40 calories per frank, very tasty and they're Hebrew National, so they're 100% Kosher which means yoyuknow that they're not only made with real beef, but good parts of the beef. They can be kind of pricey, so I watch for sales and buy a couple to throw in the freezer.

    And I agree with folks that Almond Milk is tastier/better than soy. I think that soy milk is really gross and could never find a brand or flavor that I liked. But the first time I found and tried Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk it was a match made in heaven. Honestly, I can't drink it straight because it's a bit too nutty for that (but after having been lactose intolerant for about nine years, I'm not really a straight milk drinker anyway). But I honestly like it better on cereal than "normal" milk, I think the slight nuttiness just works really well with the cereal itself. And I've also baked and cooked with it and it's really good for both.

    I find the milk cheapest at Trader Joe's and I love buying it in the smaller, shelf stable, cartons because then I can store it in my cabinet to have on hand.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i love rice milk, but its carb based rather than protien based, so not as nutritious or slimming as low fat cows milk

    dont know about the others
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    I have been drinking soy milk for years and recently made the switch to almond milk. Too much soy in the diet can be a bad thing. It raises your level of estrogen which some say can be linked to cancer. There is soy product in almost everything we eat especially processed foods so I avoid adding soy milk into the mix. On the other hand like pp said it has more protein. So if you are working out pretty intensely you could add it into your protein shake ECT. Otherwise almond milk is the way to go for me!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'd suggest you read the ingredient label on the vegie hot dogs, and for that matter, the milk substitutes.
    If you are eating the vegie dogs because you can't give up meaty ones, well maybe, but don't fool yourself that they are healthy!
  • rebeccajb
    i have never had veggie hotdogs..i don't know if i would be able to eat them b/c i LOVE regular hotdogs,,it would just temp me i think..but as far as the milk..go almond..its creamer..and the taste is WAY better...and i also heard reviews that ppl are discovering that soy milk is not good for you at all...