A question for all of you moms...

kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I'm 17, and still living here at home. Everyone in my family is obese... my mom, aunt, grandma, ect, and everything from heart disease to diabetes to thyroid problems runs rampant in my blood line. One of my little brothers is well on the way to becoming obese, and the other, even though he's skinny, has terrible eating habits.
Here's the thing:
I've decided that this is the year that I'm going to get into shape. I'm getting married in about a year, so I thought it would be nice to start off my marriage without the extra stress of trying to lose weight, or the stresses of the medical problems that come with being overweight. My mom is always saying that this week is going to be the week for her, or next week... the diet always starts tomorrow. I'm not here to down her, because I think everyone knows that feeling. However, I don't have her full support now that I'm trying to lose weight.
Earlier this week, she agreed to let me cook and told me the general things that sounded good to her for dinner. Tonight we went shopping, and I had made a list up that had five dinner recipes on it, plus general around the house things. She started freaking out, telling me that we don't have the money to buy "10 items per recipe", and that if that was the way I was going to cook healthy, that she wasn't going to let me do it at all. In reality, each recipe had 5, maybe 6, items at the most, and a lot of the ingredients were little things like cans of beans or frozen vegetables.
The grocery bill freaks her out, because this is how she generally shops: she loads up on $30 or $40 worth of frozen meals to take to work, buys a few odds and ends like cereal and pancake mix, and then when we don't have anything to make for dinner, we go out to eat two or three times a week -- not including weekends, when we might go out two times in the same day. When we go out to eat, we go to decent restaurants... the normal bill would be $50 for the four of us. She refuses to see that I could have cooked at home for a fifth of the price, and made it fifty times healthier.
The problem isn't money, so I don't know why she claims that... she would actually save a decent amount by buying fresh ingredients instead of going out to eat. We can go on thousand-dollar shopping-spree weekends in Vegas, so it's not like it's not there. The problem isn't the cooking, because even though she hates cooking, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook, and since I'm home all day, I'm more than willing to have it done by the time everyone gets home. And the problem isn't that I cook badly, because everyone always raves about my cooking.
Now, moms, maybe you can clue me in this: Why is she so hesitant to just buy good, quality ingredients and eat home-cooked food? Why is she hesitant to eat better and feel better, possibly getting to get off of her high blood pressure meds? How can I try to ask her to keep buying fresh ingredients and to let me cook at home?
In case anyone mentions it, I would get a job to pay for my own good food, but I can't... I don't have any means of transportation, and no one is hiring, anyway...


  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I'm not a mom but maybe change scares her. My I recommend sitting down with her and show her how much your cooked-at-home meals cost vs ready-made meals, you can discuss the health benifits and remind her that you love to cook. maybe you could cut it down to a few cooked meals and first and slowly ween her to more cooked meals vs the frozen kind it sounds like she likes an prefers.

    good luck
  • I have to agree....change is scary to many people. It's much easier to make excuses to NoOT change then to actually give it a shot, but stick to your guns........tell her to give you 1 week of you cooking healthy meals at home and see how she likes it. She may even perk up when she sees you losing weight, feeling better...she may jump on the wagon with you.

    Take your time with her and have patience with her...........can't teach a dog new tricks, but you can do your best to keep it healthy!!

    Good luck kid!
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    I am a mom but only to a baby.. but I grew up the same as you and thats why I am just now able to lose weight at 21 years old married with a 6 months old with 70lbs to lose now.... My mom would always do the same buy for convience... thats the main thing... most people want things that are convient and quick... and my mom was always afraid she would get stuck cooking it....my mom is still pulling the i will lose weight tomorrow sceme she is 320lbs and keeps saying everyday when i call her on the phone or hear from my grandparents that she wants to lose weight i gave her all the info and she has done nothing with it... I think people get to comfortable with the way the are living and just can't rid of their routines because it scares them as others say but they just don't know... Maybe she is also afraid that the products will never get used after one meal maybe show her their are other ways to use them and what you would use them for... feel free to message me anytime
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think shes afraid to change she dosent want to give up her "safe" food that shes known forever
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