
Does anyone add in housework ironing etc to their exercises? it must burn cals but I cannot find them listed....


  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I don't! I don't think it really counts.
    I';ve seen people do it though, I am sure it is recorded somewhere, just try to search it in different ways.
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    I do sometimes lol usually under cleaning light!!
  • heatherslosingit
    In answer to my own question I went in search and found the following:

    Clean sweep: Vacumming was the most popular household chore for burning calories
    If you're struggling to motivate yourself to do the dishes or dust the shelves, then just remember the number 50,261.
    That's the average number of calories burned off each year simply by doing household chores, according to a poll.
    Researchers found that we walk more than 22 miles a year while cleaning our homes: that's the equivalent of strolling the distance across the English Channel or completing 89 laps of an Olympic running track.
    More good news for the fitness-conscious is that keeping the house tidy annually burns the same number of calories found in 603 glasses of wine, 192 bars of chocolate, 369 cans of fizzy drink, 146 cheeseburgers or 394 packs of crisps.
    The study of 3,000 Britons found that housework gives us more of a workout than spending an hour a week at the gym.
    Domestic chores were found to provide the same amount of exercise as spending 57 hours running at 8.5 miles an hour, or cycling 477 miles.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    They are already taken into account of your daily activities. Calorie burning is usually considered something you do that raises the heart rate level.
  • heatherslosingit
    More information I have found:

    10 Strategies to Break Bad Habits

    1. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs, or take the escalator but climb the stairs as you ride. Spending just five minutes climbing stairs burns up 144 calories.
    2. Do some window shopping on your lunch break, walking burns up 250 calories per hour.
    3. When you're waiting in line at the Dr.'s office, chemist or dentist remain standing. Staying on your feet uses up 36 more calories per hour than sitting does.
    4. Try washing your car by hand at home instead of taking it to the carwash - you'll burn an extra 140 calories in 30 minutes.
    5. If you rake leaves instead of using a blower in 30 minutes you'll burn around 50 calories.
    6. Park further from the shops and walk that little extra.
    7. Spend some time tidying up the garden. An hour of weeding uses up 280 calories.
    8. Play with the kids for fifteen minutes to burn 108 calories.
    9. Conquer that pile of un-ironed clothes. Did you know that ironing alone uses up 110 calories per hour?
    10. Put on some music and cut up the rug. Dancing improves your mood and burns up 180 calories per hour.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Great Info!
  • heatherslosingit
    I have investigated calorie burn up on different domestic duties and have added some to the exercise lists... I hope this will help some of you