Gah! I've plateau'd already!

8bitcake Posts: 19
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've only lost 7 lbs and I'm pushing everything and not losing more. Help?


  • Everyone Plateau's so dont let it get you down. Just keep doing the things you have been to lose the weight so far and sure enough it'll start to move again. Remember this is just a pit stop cos we all have to have a rest on the journeys we take :-)

    Dig deep and hang in there ;-)
  • Hiya hun, just to say that plateuing after 7lbs is not uncommon and you will find that there is a pattern. I have gone from 252lbs to 228 now after recent gains and I found that after every 10lbs I plateued.

    What I do is: Make a change in exercise eg. more often, different stuff. So I used to do half hour walk a day, now I do 20mins walk and 20mins fitness DVD.
    Zig zag calorie intake. 1200, 1000, 1200, 900. for me.

    Hope that helps, well done on your loss so far! x
  • Just had a quick peek at your diary and it could be that you're not eating enough, and putting your body into starvation mode...
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Definitely not eating enough. I plateud when I was eating 1200-1400 cals per day. I upped it to 1700-2100 (depending on how hungry I was) and I've started losing weight again - 9lbs this year. I exercise for at least an hour most days and my job isn't sedentary.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Definitely not eating enough. I plateud when I was eating 1200-1400 cals per day. I upped it to 1700-2100 (depending on how hungry I was) and I've started losing weight again - 9lbs this year. I exercise for at least an hour most days and my job isn't sedentary.

    looked at your diary AND YOUR NOT EATING enough!!

    EAT please and good luck on your journey!
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    It would probably help if you got more protein, even more than MFP says is your goal. Try for at least half your weight in grams of protein. Some of your meals have no protein and one of your lunches the only protein was from popcorn. You could even add a protein shake to get some of it out of the way. On days that I'm low I just mix a scoop with ice water. I get 24 grams of protein for only 130 calories. Good luck.
  • Thanks everyone. I'll try to eat a bit more. I just find I'm not as hungry :/
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