How much is too much exercise?

paige2010 Posts: 29 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

Just wanted some advice about reducing calories and exercising. I've been recently told not to do both at the same time as I was doing too much and getting run down/ill because of it - even though I was eating the extra calories when I exercised. So, I stopped going to the gym and just focused on reducing my calories - but its been months since I've been to the gym now and I'm terrified to go back - because I know I'm so unfit now and will find everything difficult.

Even though I've lost weight, I sort of feel like I'm back where I started.

What can i do to get the courage to go back to the gym? How much exercise is too much?




  • I prefer gymming to cutting down calories -I haven't been since Wednesday though as I stupidly did too much in too little space of time and killed the muscles in my thighs and haven't been able to walk properly for 3 days! Back to the gym today though :)

    I'd say it depends what you do. If you have quite hard work outs, go every other day. My mistake - I went to a very hard circuits class tuesday, then spinning wednesday! I should have really rested Wednesday but didnt, and it threw me off for 3-4 days!!!

    Do what makes you feel comfortable. When i do normal gym work outs, i could probably do them day after day, but i could really feel it after the classes and knew i should have rested, but didnt!

    To get started, go every other day if you can, slowly increasing what you do at the gym. It didnt take me long to get back into shape - i have a set work out and i couldnt even do it at the start. a few weeks later and i am increasing it!!!

    Just listen to your body, and make sure you stretch!!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I lost the best in the beginning when I was exercising for 30 minutes 3 times a week. When you get used to it, you can add time, days, and intensity. I usually do about an hour of exercise 5 days a week. The good thing about exercise is that it revs up your metabolism. You actually should do both to lose weight.
  • I don't know who would tell you not to do both, but everyone has an opinion I guess. I felt run down at first, and then I started getting an energy burst from going to the gym. Moderate excercise and a healthy diet is the way to go. MFP says 30 mins 5 days a week. Try that. Work your stamina back up to work out longer. I use the cardio settings on the eliptical and treadmill. Good luck!
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    I agree that doing both is important for both weight loss and overall good health. Just like eating, exercise should be done in moderation based on what your body is telling you. I was EXHAUSTED the first couple weeks when I began my journey but it passed and I now have more energy that ever. (most days) Start with 30-45 minutes a day and vary the exercise from walking to more high impact type stuff. On days where I feel really exhausted - I just go for a nice long walk at a nice moderate pace and it helps work out all the kinks physically in my body as well as clear my head!

    I exercise 6 days a week in some way or another (not for nothing but just sometimes so I can eat a little more!!!!!)
  • geocookie
    geocookie Posts: 23 Member
    If you want to make this a healthy lifestyle change, then everything in moderation. You don't want to cut calories so much that you put your body into starvation mode where it will slow down your metabolism. Ideal intake for weight loss is about 200 calories below your Basic Metabolic Rate, but never below 1200 calories per day (I read that in a study they did recently). They have a BMR tool here. I use that to figure out what my calorie intake should be, and will modify it with every 10 lbs lost.

    As far as exercise goes, you don't want to beat your body up either.. doing that long-term could result in injury in the long run. As others have recommended, start with 30 minutes per day, 3-5 times per week and build up to maybe an hour per day 3-5 times per week. Give your body some days to rest and don't use severe exercise as your primary way to burn off the fat.

    Balance your eating and exercise for long term, feel good results! :-D
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    I have never heard that you can't exercise and reduce calories at the same time. That's the key to weight loss and being healthy as long as you're not overdoing either. You could get "run down" and get over-use injuries if you, for example, run for an hour seven days a week. Your body does need to rest. You also shouldn't drastically cut calories, but you said you were eating back your exercise calories. There may be another reason for your feeling run down. Don't immediately blame it on the thing you are doing to better yourself.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I usually start out by walking on an incline in the treadmill and doing low intentsity elliptical training lasting about 45 minutes at the gym. After a week I start running 5 minute intervals on the treadmill and eventually get to the point where I am mostly jogging than walking . On the 2nd or 3rd week I add strength training 2-3x a week. Good luck
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