anyone else dislike exercising?



  • elizabethbreed
    elizabethbreed Posts: 21 Member
    Try Zumba. It's a latin fusion dance makes you sweat and is super fun! You can find stuff on youtube, or your local gym might have classes. There's also a Wii game for it:)
  • k8smama
    I was the same way a month ago. I could only go about 15 minutes at a time on my stationary bike before I was bored, sweating, out of breath and my butt was on fire. Outside exercise isn't really an option right now, I live in NE Ohio and if it's not a white out it's ten below! I played with my routine, looked for times when there was a show on TV that I wanted to see (old episodes of shows are online now, as well) tried music (youtube lets you set your own playlist with a free account) and set mini goals as far as time went-gradually increasing my time every few days. Before I knew it I was doing 30-40 minutes and had uppped my intensity. One day last week I didn't have time to fit in my exercise that day and was amazed that I found myself disappointed. I've gotten to the point where I like it, really like it and look forward to it! Keep mixing things around until you find something that you at least don't hate and go from there. Good Luck!
  • ropedancer
    To me, the key is variety. I get bored with one single type of exercise easily. Since I cannot afford a gym membership, I buy cheap used DVDs from and sell them back when I'm done with them. The library is also a great resource. You can only take the DVDs out for a couple weeks at a time, and thanks to ILL I have quite a few options for DVDs.

    I hear it also helps to have a workout buddy. Maybe you hate working out, but if you have someone there to talk to, that may make it more enjoyable.

    But it is true that exercise really helps weight loss. I used to hate it myself. I was always the kid in gym class that went from running to walking once the teacher's back was turned. But it's really satisfying to see yourself becoming stronger. Also, my mfp friends are wicked supportive when I post a good workout :)
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    You have to find something you love and stick to it. For me that used to be netball as i felt responsible for showing up each week and i was having fun with my team so it didn't feel like a workout. Maybe swimming laps in a pool is more your thing or doing a spin class at the gym. Whatever it is just stick to it! Good luck x
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Until I found Zumba I always felt like I had to make myself exercise. I really look forward to each Zumba workout. This is a huge change in my attitude towards exercise. If you've never done it, give it a try! I got the DVDs and do it at home. It is a lot of fun!
  • KokomoJoe
    I am not sure how to help you as I also dislike exercising. That being said I try at work to go for a half hour walk everyday. I enjoy bike riding but with 4 feet of snow it's not practical. I have found doing a rebounder workout while listening to music I like seems to make it go better. I started with 1 song, then 2 songs, then 3 songs..... etc. I figure I was going to listen to the music anyways I might as well do something constructive with it.