just started last monday

I am a 34 year old male that just started myfitnesspal from PA, so far I really really like this website, its amazing how much you acutually eat and drink in a single day, looking for any guys on here around my age for support and accountablility ;-)

when I weighed in last monday I was using a scale that read 5lbs less than actual weight so when I steped on the scale it read 220, but the actual reading was 225, so we bought a new scale and I stepped on it yesterday and the new one read 219, so I lost 6 lbs in 6 days ;-) but WOW I was drinking about 7 sodas a day and unlimited on the weekend (work at Pizza hut on the weekend), so I completely stopped drinking pop and well watching my food intake and starting running on the treadmill, my wife started on this a month ago and I decided to Join her, Our 10 year anniversary is this year and WE want to try to get down to our wedding day Weight by September


  • acknan
    acknan Posts: 261 Member
    Good for you!!! I used to love regular soda, but now when I see how many calories I would have to work off just to glug it down, I am no longer interested. Diet soda is less appealing, so I have virtually cut out all soda! Congrats on your loss and best of luck avoiding the pizza temptation!
  • DeniseBurgess
    DeniseBurgess Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Hi There.... I was fed up that I was doing lots of exercise but not losing weight.... it was amazing how much you eat, when you keep track of it! I started this week and have lost at least 4lbs.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    I am not a guy, and not nearly near your age, but I can tell you that tracking for food intake and counting calories really works. I was exercising vigorously four times a week for two months and not counting calories. I didn't lose an ounce! I am sure I lost inches, but I wasn't tracking that either. Since January, I have been tracking my food intake, and have lost 8 pounds so far. I am pleased with the progress and know it will continue as long as I am diligent. So don't expect extremely rapid results, and you will lose more quickly than your wife, but it will be steady and you will be at your wedding weight by September! Good job!:bigsmile:
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    congrats on taking the bull by the horns... I'm a 37 year old female married 10 years also next week...you can do this even better that you guys are doing this together,,,, if you want to get a great treadmill / running program try couch to 5k program (c25k). it's available ap android and iphone like 2.00 and well worth it. it will help you track your progress. good luck