gunna quit smoking today!!..

I don't really smoke that much in the first place..since I had to get through 9 mo's without smoking...I don't know why i started back up, but i am absolutely quitting today. Well, right now. I have a feeling its going to be incredibly hard since i do the majority of my smoking at work with coworkers...(I don't ever smoke in front of my daughter!)

I'm tired of sneaking around to smoke, and constantly re-brushing my teeth, washing my hands etc because i know I stink and I don't want my kid around it. I need to set a good example & it's an extremely gross habit. And it makes it pretty difficult to

Anybody out there thats quit & has some good tips for me??!! I'm a big "coffee & cigerettein the morning" person, like I equate one with the other, so i'm gunna have to change my morning "routine".. =(


  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    check out It really helped me
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Great Job! You can do it!

    I quit cold turkey January 5th, 2010. The *best* things I did that made it "easier" was 1) chew lots of gum (Sugar-free trident, I still chew it a lot, and it has been over a year, lol);2) discovered an 18-inch pencil. It was my "hand-busier". It was abnormally long, so I had to pay attention to it, but, any time my hands wanted to smoke, I picked it up. I drummed with it in the car (the place it was hardest to NOT smoke!), I wiggled it in my hands at work (you know, the "bendy pencil" thing), etc. 3) If you are just bored-bored, go for a walk, get on the treadmill, play with your baby....something to take your mind off it.

    It starts getting easier after the 3rd or 4th day.

    I will be honest, there are times I *still* want to smoke...last night, I was STUFFED, and I really wanted a cigarette...but, of course, I didn't.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Advice: Just do it.
    It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself and your kids.

    I was a heavy smoker. Now over 20 years free of it. I used hypnosis to help me quit. But the main thing was to have a strong goal in mind. A positive affirmation to tell yourself each time you want to smoke. For me it was my kids and my health. Don't go where you would usually smoke. Have an activity planned that you can do to replace the smoking. Do things you can't do when you smoke. Something with your hands or something active.

    The cravings will pass. Give it time. It wasn't easy but so worth it.
  • mjkansas
    mjkansas Posts: 6 Member
    I quit about three months ago. I started smoking at 12 to impress my aunt .lol things kids do . I am going to be 40 this year. I just kept thinking how gross it is how it smells and my breath was when kissing my kids the smell in my hair and the cost! I put them down and havent gone back even when I want one I just keep thinking how stupid I look with smoke rolling out of my mouth and what am I teaching my kids!! They are watching me there are cigs in the house they could try....If you have a hard time you could try chantix its a miracle drug made to quit smoking I have used that in the past it works makes a cig taste terrible . If you are ready nothing will stand in your way.. Good luck!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Do what you have to do to quit, nicotine replacement...carrot sticks...taking up knitting...anything it takes. I quit 3 years ago but it was too late for me, I developed emphysema at the age of 41, a year after quitting.

    It has struck early and its struck hard and the treatment (steroids) and loss of mobility is responsible for my weight gain (7 stone in just over 2 years!) but the hardest part is knowing that I've done it to myself...thats a real downer!

    I wasnt a heavy smoker and I quit before symptoms started so I was pretty unlucky but no one knows if they're going to be the one that it strikes like it struck me....don't let it be you

    Hope my experience helps your resolve to quit and stay quit
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    a tip, finish on a day were you either have 1 cigarette or no cigarette's on you. I know what a lot of people i know who have quit cold turkey took a smoke in the morning when they got up, and just played a game with themselves on how long they could go without a smoke. If you need something in your mouth, suck on ice cubes. They have no calories so at the same time your not gaining weight from quitting smoking, which tends to happen.
    Good luck!
  • Claible
    Claible Posts: 106 Member
    Congratulations on making this decision. I used to smoke 1/2 to a whole pack a day. I quite 8 months ago with some difficulties. I started quitting by announcing to my friends and family that I was going to quite. This provided me the support I needed. Then I made a plan.

    I bought the nicotine patch and used that ( be aware the patch was not for me after 3 days I quite using it because it made me ill) I did continue to wage war on my addiction.

    When I use to smoke the most was while my kids played outside I would read and smoke (outside). Changed that to reading and eating sunflower seeds (gave my hands something to do) and playing more with my kids. While I was at work I would suck on mints or hard candy. I still go outside with my smoking friends but now I can't stand the smell this reminds me of why I don't want to smoke again.

    I found that after the first 3-5 days I hit a wall at 6 days, 6 weeks and 6 months and extremely stressful situations. Cravings of wanting the action more than the nicotine. Because of my friends and family I made it through and continue to do so

    I know you can be smoke free too. If you want you can friend me and I will help support you too!