Military Wife!!!

Hello all, I am just currently starting this whole weight loss journey. Being a military wife, I don't have many friends thus far we just got married last year we have two children that are 14 months apart and are fixing to be moved to germany. With the recent events I want to start a brand new life with a brand new body and mind. I have enrolled myself in college and am currently working on my associates degree in accounting. Before moving to germany I hope to get into a healthy weight of between 135 and 145! for me that is about 40-50 pounds in 5 months! If anyone could be an inspiration or has any tips that could help our that would be great!!! Good luck to all! :glasses:


  • littlelionesslove
    Me too!! Good luck :) Been married a year.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Completly achievable, however, I wouldn't try and lose 10lbs a month bc you may have a harder time of keepin it off. But it's completly possible to do it. If you follow a STRICK CLEAN DIET you can drop some serious weight also cut your carbs and eat more protein. Do alot of cardio and don't forget bout the weight training. Hope that I could be of some help :)
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Where are you currently stationed now? I'm an Army wife and I grew up with the Navy... we used to be stationed in Germany.
  • dawny78
    dawny78 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello Army wife here to trying to loose a few pounds :))
    Good luck to you in your new goals .
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Add me as a friend!!! I've been on since June 2010 and have lost 34 lbs!!!