suggestions for exercise i can do with two kids in tow?

nicfattypants Posts: 11 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
They are 2 years and 6 months??


  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    exercise at home. was recommended to me and it seems to have some great workout videos! Good luck!
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    I try to turn everything I do into a workout. For example, when doing laundry instead of folding it all and putting it in stacks, I fold and put away each piece individually. It takes a little longer, but it's worth it. Also, if you have stairs in your house, take 10-20 minutes to go up and down them. That's another one that I do when my daughter (3 1/2) is either sleeping or watching tv. If you have a front pack or something to strap your 6 month old on, that would make it even a better workout.

    Good luck and if I think of anything else I'll post it. :)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Put them in the Burley and jog.. or bike ride.. or make games out of picking them up and swinging them around... or just wait until they nap and do a dvd!!! Overeall.. enjoy them! They grow up way too fast....
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    i have a 4 year old son (harry), a 2 and a half year old daughter (ella) and a 6 month old daughter (lola).

    when harrys at school i do a dance work out dvd and ella 'copies' (just chases me around really, but we both enjoy it. lola is usually asleep while we do this)

    the best thing i have done is put a little tv in the kitchen so i can workout in there while they play in the living room, they then come and go as they please without getting to bored.

    walking is great exercise. as is climbing up and down the stairs!! (thats a good one!!)

  • hold the 6 month old and turn on the bop is a great cd with kid friendly words to adult friendly songs. My kids and i do this all the time. They have fun and so do you. You also have the benefit of "lifting weights" with holding the baby. We also have a baby jogger and our kids love to go on our runs with us. We started them young and now they are just so used to it. They even did all of our long training runs while training for our last marathon. I love that they become involved in your health and learn from watching you. Now if I am feeling kind of lazy my daughter smirks and says "get downstairs and run" we both giggle and I usually go get on my running shoes. I hope this helps.
  • michellehorvath
    michellehorvath Posts: 57 Member
    My kids and I are really enjoying our Xbox Kinect!! We go rafting, play ball and have super long dance marathons where I am sweating and way out of breath! Plus it has a calories burned ticker!! If yu were going to invest in something kid friendly I would say this is it!! Plus you can't lose a remote!!! :-)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I do T-Tapp (Basic Workout Plus). It's only 15 minutes, but a great workout for me. I have five kids, so I can't do a huge workout that requires much time out of me. But I have been very happy with T-Tapp. I can do it while the kids are napping and looking at books, or something like that.

    I have used this after I've had my other babies and have been very happy with it. You might check it out at their website T-Tapp (dot) com.

  • I agree with @Joann! Exercise TV was recommended to me too and I love it! They have great workouts for all different levels and all ages. They even have workouts for kids and families!
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