Need a stong support system!

In my 40.5 years I have learned I can't do it on my own! I have one really great MFP pal now and I'm looking to add more to get daily tips and inspiration. I am excited about what this journey holds and wish you all THE BEST WITH YOUR PATH!
I'm looking to be on MFP more than FB (FB doesn't help me drop pounds! lol!)

Feel free to add me and hopefully we can all end up like rock stars!


  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Welcome Shan0605. I will send a friend request. I have been a member for several months but just started reading and posting on the message board in the past month. Everyone is so positive and encouraging I look forward to reading the post. Hopefully we can keep each other motivated.

    Good Luck from one Rock Star to Another!!!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Good luck Shan!! This site is full of supportive and knowledgeable people so I'm sure you'll do great!! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Hi....I hear you! I am in a preop program and have the group....Tell you what....It is working so far having such a large support system....

    You can do it!
  • UberGoose
    I Will be your fitness pal! Or one of them. I am a wealth of inspiration!
  • jessjacknickliam
    I need a support system too. I will send a friend request.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hi Shan! Welcome to MFP! You will find many wonderful and supportive people on this site - MFP is my FB! :) I'll send you a friend request also!
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I am quite new to MFP but no stranger to health & fitness. I thrive on helping others through encouragement, coaching, and lending an ear and would love to be part of your large on-line support team. At present I have no MFP friends and could really use some myself. I'll send you a friend request. Have a fitfully great day!!