Meet Me =)

Well I've always been a "bigger" girl. About 5'9' and always been over 150lbs. This past summer I wrecked and was unable to move for about 2 months or so. I went from my pre wreck weight of 180 to 236. When I stepped on the scale I freaked. A friend of mine suggested the myfitnesspal app for my iphone. My obsession with my phone and mental obsession with my weight and i never forget to log my foods. The math aspect of the numbers being right there in your face is great. You have a healthy goal thats rather easy to reach. And you have your friends statuses and updates that you can read and comment on (kinda like facebook for weight lose;) Ive only been using myfitnesspal but setting my goal at losing one pound per week I find it easy to stay under my calorie goal and in the first week I lost 8 pounds. I know that loosing weight is easier with support and friends going through the same thing. =) Thanks!!!


  • jessjacknickliam
    Hi! I am looking for the same thing, some friends to chat with and help motivate me. My name is Jessica and I am 34 years old :-)
  • ernurse77
    ernurse77 Posts: 73 Member
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome! You will love it here, the people are really nice. I have a long weight loss journey ahead of me but I am going to do this and so can you! :-)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    enjoy your trip :)
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    Nice to meet you. I love the MFP app because it is continent. It is always right there with me. I can find out how much calories is in something while I am driving around town trying to find something to eat. Without it, I would probably go over my caloric intake all of the time.
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    Hi! Great job, keep it up and friend me if you like.
    My name's Renée :)
  • EecakYelsom17
    Thanks Everyone!
    && I forgot to add everyone can feel free to add me!!!!