Weight Loss Pills?



  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Weight loss pills make me feel better and more energized -- i think from the caffeine. i was taking yellow bullets from ephedraoutlet.com -- i liked them a lot. but my gf got jittery and soemtimes a stomach ache from them.

    i think you have to do your own research and find out what is best for you...

    Jill, I thought ephedra products were banned in the US and taken off of the market... Do you know if these supplements are true ephedra??
    Not all aspects of Ephedra was banned~ only alkaloids.
  • bodyrocks365
    I have used Oxy ElitePro from GNC in the past. They seem to do the trick for a quick few pounds and some fat burn, but as many people have mentioned, its very easy to gain it back. Especially if you only rely on the pills to do the job.

    I may get attacked for saying this, but I do continue to use them in a small amount (with a daily multi-vitamin), but make sure that I'm still following a strict diet with regular work outs. That way, when I stop using them, or get to where I want to be, I'll have that habit instead of only popping a pill every day.
    I'm kind of addicted to the OxyEs. I credit them with some weight loss but I did start taking them when I was in a depressive state. I feel like they give me energy and help me cut about 300 cals out of my day. But I do find them less effective now, maybe my body is getting used to them.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    There are one or two that do help, such as Orlistat/Alli. These can have very unsociable side effects if you are not on a low fat diet. What they do is reduce the amount of fat that your body absorbs. The way you know they are working is because if you have a high fat meal you will see the oil in your underwear or if you are lucky the toilet. They cut your calories by about 3x your fat intake in grams.

    Other pills may help other ways, but if you feel better taking them that is fine so long as you do your research and make sure they do no harm.

    Either way they are only things that at best help, the most important thing is to have a healthy diet for weight loss and increase your exercise for a healthy lifestyle (and it also has the benefit of burning a few calories as well)
  • dnedeltchev
    dnedeltchev Posts: 5 Member
    Every time I see "weight loss" my blood starts boiling. This is such a complete and utter misconception!

    Have a look at some of the top athletes. Their weight is pretty high compared with what some people weigh, even some overweight people. Their BMI and total body mass is probably going off the charts...

    Important is body composition fat vs muscle %, NOT body mass!!! I'd rather weigh twice what I weigh now but be muscular than weight half of what I weigh now and look a skinny fat person!

    As for the so called "fat burners" yes, try eating 6 meals a day with protein, starchy carbs, and fibrous veg every meal and no starchy carbs after 3:30pm. Do weights training and cardio... This is hte best fat burner ever! And it's all natural :)
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    If i were going to try anything it would be an all natural green tea supplement..

    ps. crap like alli..may cause anal leakage..yeah i think i will skip on that haha
  • mattmoo33
    mattmoo33 Posts: 36
    Tried orlistat/alli ( gp prescription) and had to buy new mattress thanks to the Erm leakage. It did work but I think mainly because I was too scared to eat anything with fat in it.

    Actually losing more just with calorie control and exercise and feeling so much better for it!
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    "RAND reviewed adverse events reported in 52 published randomized controlled clinical trials. No serious adverse events (death, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular/stroke events, seizure, or serious psychiatric events) were reported in the clinical trials. However, evidence from the trials was sufficient to support the conclusion that the use of ephedrine, ephedrine plus caffeine, or ephedra plus caffeine is associated with 2-3 times the risk of nausea, vomiting, psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety and change in mood, autonomic hyperactivity, and palpitations. The contribution of caffeine to these symptoms cannot be determined."