Does making your food diary public keep you "honest?"



  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    It's about honesty to yourself first and foremost. Occasionally, when I'm having a complete disaster (eg > 1000 cals over) I'll just stop, but usually will say so in the notes and on my profile.

    My diary is open to friends only though, as I don't see any reason to publish any more personal information on the interweb than is necessary.

    If people judge me and any criticism is constructive, then that's great!

    I agree. Kept my diary private for about 5 months. Now it is open to friends. I found it helpful to study the diaries of successful MFP friends. Now I feel that if I study their diaries, it's only fair to allow them to see mine as well.

    It's a personal choice. Do whatever you are most comfortable with doing!
  • KokomoJoe
    My food diary shows when I had 7 beers, therefore I guess I am pretty honest about it. I have it public but I don't really care what anyone else thinks anyways. If you intend to lose weight through eating healthy, then "lying" about it doesn't help you. If you say your eating 1200 calories while wallowing down half a gallon of chocolate icecream followed by a gallon of soda who are you really fooling? I do it because it's easy on here, it helps me plan my day and if that plan changes I can update from work. Keeps me on track for the most part.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    i recently changed from friends-only access to public-access and i don't feel any difference LOL... but as for logging and being honest: i feel its a MUST. I need to live in my REALITY and logging is my way of doing so. Plus, i need to be able to look back on my records when examining issues as they arise... I wouldnt be able to crunch numbers if my logs weren't accurate : "garbage in garbage out" in the data-crunching world ;)
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    I think it's the fact that you're honest with yourself. That's why your changing your life. Be honest with yourself.
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    Good question! I feel like I'm the only one who goes over on daily allotment of calories & others always say "under calories" or something like that. I like to get ideas from others about food choices and I think that I'm honest with what I record even though public. I did hear a doctor lecture and he said when people aren't loosing then usually they are not getting guestimating wrong about amount of food I'm pondering on that!
  • sixpackgoal
    I have logged every day this year. First day I fell off the wagon. Went over my goal by 1000 calories. I got right back the next day. One monkey don't stop no show. One day does not make the month. I think in months and years. I'm into eating right for life. Yes there will be falls, I like showing the public that I just pick myself up and drive on.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    just to be clear...I'm always completely honest in my diary but it is private. I agree with all the posters who say there is no point in lying to yourself! I'm just curious if people with public diaries have felt they stayed even more on track because of the possibility of other people seeing the details.

    Great responses! I love hearing how people think.
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member

    I'm curious about if people who have public food diaries have trouble being completely honest! Only saying because I wonder if sometimes I'd be too embarrassed to log my slip-ups...OR, does knowing that everyone can see it make you less likely to eat unhealthy stuff?

    Kudos to everyone who goes public! I love reading what other people are eating and getting ideas for meals and snacks. But I'm not quite brave enough to put mine out there yet!

    No problem being honest here. I am doing this for me so if I lie I am only lieing to myself. Slip-ups are going to happen wether they ar planned or unplanned. I have not had one person scold me or even comment on my diary which is just fine. I have occasionally looked at other peoples diary when referenced.

    Be brave ... What you are doing is working for you so perhaps you will be able to help someone else with there food choices.:flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have logged every day this year. First day I fell off the wagon. Went over my goal by 1000 calories. I got right back the next day. One monkey don't stop no show. One day does not make the month. I think in months and years. I'm into eating right for life. Yes there will be falls, I like showing the public that I just pick myself up and drive on.

    "One monkey don't stop no show."

    LOLOL I have no idea what that means but I love it!
  • Steph70508
    I feel like it is keeping me more honest and helping me to think twice. I felt totally ashamed to post the horrible last three days I had! It makes me want to clean up my diet! I have always had success with writing down everything I ate to hold myself accountable, but knowing that others can actually take a look at what I ate for the day gives me extra incentive
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    My diary is public because I dont care what anyone else thinks about what I am eating .... I am FAR from perfect and I LOVE my sweets .... I went public so that people who might need ideas can look around and see whats going on .... All in all if I can stay in my limits and I workout as much as I said I would then thats all that matters to me ... :laugh: