Body Aches after 6 weeks of exercising!!!!

SherryJDI Posts: 21
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello You Guys,
Got another question.... I am 44 year old female, I am 5 '3 and I weigh 178.2 pounds. I have been exercising 6 straight weeks... I was exercising twice a day everyday but when I posted last time everyone suggested I cut back and I have now cut back to 1 hours of cardio 6 days a week and strength training at least 5 days a week.... Yesterday I did 1 hours of interval training on the treadmill around 6:30am in the morning... Later that evening around 5pm I went back to gym did tri's, bi's and abs and another 30 minutes of the ellipitcal... When I got back home my legs ached all night... This ache was not muscle soreness.. It was a true body ache.. I took 3 IBprofen and it did not even help... I told my husband that 6 weeks of doing the same thing I should have built up and I should not be hurting... I wonder if I should look into health issues because I should be aching like this.... Also I have upped my protein... Please let me know if any of you have had this kind of problem??????
Thanks so much!!!


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    If you just started interval training, you will be very sore from it if you overdid it. Interval training is one of the most intense ways to train. Doing and interval workout, then all the other stuff you mentioned is something that 6 weeks is not enough to get you ready for. It is asking for injuries.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Based on the information you gave, here are the hard facts. You BMI is around 31, that is considered Obese. What that means in practical terms for working out is that it is much harder on your body than for someone who has say an overweight or normal bmi. You didn't say how active you were before you started trying to lose weight, but if you were inactive, 6 weeks is not nearly enough time to get your body in shape to handle the sort of stress you are putting it under with the exercise routine you have outlined. In fact you are likely causing a whole host of problems of which this pain might be an indicator. In essence, from what you have written in your post, your body is crying out for a reprieve from the over training you are putting it through. Cut back, or work in more rest days.
  • Maybe I am over doing it.... as far as how long have I been exercising I started at the end of august and did about 5 days a week for a 7 week period... I only lost 4 pounds so I got mad and quit for about 3 weeks... I started back again and did the same for for a couple of weeks but when the holidays came I stopped again and on January 3rd I started back 7 days a week, twice a day until about 2 weeks ago... I did cut back to 6 days of cardio and 5 days of strength training... I have been doing interval training for about a month.... I don't won't to injure myself but I don't want to miss my cardio.. I have any lost 2 pounds and I want to lose this 50 pounds so bad......

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I can imagine. I keep telling myself I put on the weight over many year, it will come off the same way. Be patient. The problem with over training is not just the possibility of injury, but it will actually slow down your fat lose because it produces lots of stress hormones that directly hinder it, and it also hinders the development of lean body tissue which will help burn off that fat. I have worked out for about a year, but laid off it during the holidays. I am still working on getting my body back to where it was before that lay-off. Instead of laying off I should have cut down a bit but continued. Of what you are doing the Intervals and the weight training will do the most in the least time for losing fat.
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