
I've been of mfp for a month and only lost 3lb. I'm eating 1200 calories a day, quite healthily. Walking 10-20 minutes a day and doing yoga twice a week. Only I don't drink as much water as I should. Where am I going wrong? I feel so frustrated.... Im quite short 5'3.5 and 152 pounds and GW 119 pounds. Any advice would be so helpful. Thanks guys.


  • loriefolk
    3lbs is one month is a steady loss, You should be proud :)

    I'd suggest upping your walk (time and intensity) and drink at least half your weight in ounces. 10-20 minutes of walking isn't going to do much to get your HR going. Put some umph behind it and aim for at minimm 30 minutes each day at a pace no slower than 3.5mph.

    Good luck!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I agree I would also up the exercise, maybe walk longer, or start doing leslie sansones exercise tapes, you can find some of them online. and try to drink more water. But look at it this way if you lose 3 lbs a month every month you will be 15 lbs lighter by june, so just keep up the good work. You will get there
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    also try not to eat right before you go to bed. i hear taht helps. eat less of breads and more of fruits and veggies (yes its hard)
  • father5
    3lbs. is not bad. Slow and steady wins the race.