just started

i just started today. My sister- in-law told me about this web site it is great!


  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    welcome :D

    best wishes on ur journey
    Kirstie x
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Congrats on taking your first step! I'm pretty new to the site too yet find it fabulous in helping me track all the essentials of my day. Send me a friend request if you want or need support. I'd be happy to encourage you on your path :-)
  • anidiotabroad
    I just started too a few days ago, but its by far the best web site for tracking everyday foods and activities. Love it, and I can see it working too. Have lost around 5kg before starting on here, but this will just make it easier and give more encouragement as you see the results and get feedback from the forums. This is going to be the best year ever!!!!!!