
bosanka Posts: 336 Member
I'm coming to terms with myself. I have several obsessions.

a: food obession- food addict - emotional eater ( recovering or " under treatment for it :) >.

b : cleaning

I would like to know if anyone here has a problem with cleaning. Now - i'm not like one of the people you see on news etc that has a sparkling house non stop and is using bleach 6x a day to desinfect the kitchen floor- allthough- i'd like it but simple don't have the energy to do it.

Can't relax. I get frustrated when the house is not sparkling , if i see dust or things not where they belong i see it as my personal " failure " to do things , to keep up with the household.. i see it as " imperfect " un-hygienic.. etc. Sometimes i make myself scrub and clean for days- everything from ceiling to the floor, all beddings, all carpets, all dishes- dirty or clean - complete kitchen and cabinets -e verything.. but that is so exhausting. It makes me feel better for - a while but not long.

ANd if i simply don't have the energy or will to clean it- than it bugs me , it makes me angry and annoyed and frustrated. Can't clean it and can live with it.

With the " cleaning-urge " also comes the " must change the furniture " urge.. must change something, need to re-organize, need to re-fresh the look, i want new colors, new design, new decor.. of course - i can't afford that - so it makes me more frustrated and somehow claustrophobic.. i need " fresh " i need change

so - what is going on with me ? why am i like this ? why can't i relax ? why is the " sunshine " outside associating me only with one thing.. and one thing only- crazy- cleaning till i drop !

How often do you think is " Normal " to " spring-clean " the house- ??? how often do you change the look in your bedrooms, bathrooms ? how often do you buy new towels, new bedding ? new flowers for the house /decor? how often do you exchange the furniture in the house - meaning- push it in different corners/different rooms etc ..

" what is normal ??? "


  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    normal doeasnt exist everyone is normal for them. **** it if it works for you it is okay ;)
  • JulieTX86
    It sounds like you are upset with this behavior and it seems to me like this is your way of asking for help (or reassurance). I think it sounds like you definitely have some obssesive compulsive disorder issues and should perhaps seek professional help. You can find therapists that specialize in OCD, and perhaps they can help you sort out your feelings to make you a happier person and less anxious when your belongings aren't in their exact proper (and clean) place.

    Edit to add: here I just googled this website: http://www.ocfoundation.org/
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    What you describe is quite extreme and I suspect you are aware of that.
    There is nothing I can suggest other then since it sounds as if you don`t like it and want to change it you perhaps should seek the consul of someone you can talk in person with.

    Coming to terms sounds like a great way of putting it and where you need to be to start getting control of it. :flowerforyou:
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I've been told that unless something interferes with normal day to day activity and priorities, you are okay. You can clean all day if you want to and you have the time. If you have to call in sick because you can't stand how the house looks, or you forget to feed your family dinner cuz your too busy scrubbing the showers, then there might be a problem -- my advice then would be to talk to your doctor.

    Are you exercising? That might burn up some of your restlessness. :)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    you are all right- i'm aware of it- and yes i'm asking for s ome type of help because i'm not happy with this. it does interfere with my life.

    yes - i exercise- a lot lately- so i have started trading the " addiction to food " to addiction with workouts- i know can't complain about that part- but .. i'm understanding that i always have to be " addicted " to something..

    i can't have it in moderation- either i exercise till i can't move no more .. or i don't exercise at all.. either i clean till my skin is all scrubbed off of my fingers or i don't clean at all

    i'm an " extremist " .. ?? i don't know..
  • JulieTX86
    you are all right- i'm aware of it- and yes i'm asking for s ome type of help because i'm not happy with this. it does interfere with my life.

    yes - i exercise- a lot lately- so i have started trading the " addiction to food " to addiction with workouts- i know can't complain about that part- but .. i'm understanding that i always have to be " addicted " to something..

    i can't have it in moderation- either i exercise till i can't move no more .. or i don't exercise at all.. either i clean till my skin is all scrubbed off of my fingers or i don't clean at all

    i'm an " extremist " .. ?? i don't know..

    This may seem harsh but,

    YOU. NEED. HELP. I mean that in the most serious way I can say it without coming off rude. It is really hard to understand somebody's tone when reading text on a page, but you really do need to seek professional help. It is great that you are getting it off your chest here... it really is. Speaking with people about it really helps you grasp the situation, but to understand it in its entirety & all the complex layers that make you act on your impulses, and how your behaviors work they way they do, you really need to speak with a trained therapist.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    you are all right- i'm aware of it- and yes i'm asking for s ome type of help because i'm not happy with this. it does interfere with my life.

    yes - i exercise- a lot lately- so i have started trading the " addiction to food " to addiction with workouts- i know can't complain about that part- but .. i'm understanding that i always have to be " addicted " to something..

    i can't have it in moderation- either i exercise till i can't move no more .. or i don't exercise at all.. either i clean till my skin is all scrubbed off of my fingers or i don't clean at all

    i'm an " extremist " .. ?? i don't know..

    Please take JulieTX86 advice and seek help where you are,no one on a website can do for you what has to happen in person with in depth discussions.
    Everyone here will be supportive of you but that can`t just be a "there there,everything will be okay" because based on your own detailed descriptions that isn`t going to happen.
    You said you were getting help with a food obsession,could that person also help here...my guess is it is another symptom or outlet for what you need to resolve.