too much protein

I seem to regularly be eating more protein than MFP recommends, but less than my daily allowance of calories. WIll this slow me down losing weight?


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Nope. Calories are the only thing that truly affect weight loss. Protein is just good for you. So are carbs. The recommendations here on MFP are kind of low for protein, so it's ok to go over. Try to balance them and not severely under on your carbs though -- they're good energy!
  • misanthropypure
    ah good. for example i had one portion of fish and that was pretty much my daily allowance gone already! thanks for the advice :)
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    you can actually adjust your allotment of protein, carbs etc...
    i upped my protein (as i was having same problem as you) by 5%.. and reduced my carbs by 5% (cause you have to balance it out)

    i also adjusted my sodium tracker to be 1500mg max instead of the 2500mg max mfp recommends.

    i had to adjust them all *L* i just didn;t like seeing myself 'in the red' all the time on proteins and i was usually under on carbs anyway *L*
  • JulieTX86
    Not sure what the original recommendation on MFP was but my nutritionist told me to eat 125-150 for protein. Carbs 50-100.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Nope. Calories are the only thing that truly affect weight loss. Protein is just good for you. So are carbs. The recommendations here on MFP are kind of low for protein, so it's ok to go over. Try to balance them and not severely under on your carbs though -- they're good energy!
    Fat is also good -_-
    Fat from nuts and also from olive oil and other sources..
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Nope. Calories are the only thing that truly affect weight loss. Protein is just good for you. So are carbs. The recommendations here on MFP are kind of low for protein, so it's ok to go over. Try to balance them and not severely under on your carbs though -- they're good energy!
    Fat is also good -_-
    Fat from nuts and also from olive oil and other sources..

    True enough. :) I tend to forget fat because I don't track it -- I'm in no danger of not getting enough fat. :laugh:
  • misanthropypure
    Nope. Calories are the only thing that truly affect weight loss. Protein is just good for you. So are carbs. The recommendations here on MFP are kind of low for protein, so it's ok to go over. Try to balance them and not severely under on your carbs though -- they're good energy!
    Fat is also good -_-
    Fat from nuts and also from olive oil and other sources..

    im addicted to almonds so no problem on that front!