10 pounds lost and NO INCHES!!!!! What the....

lucasdany Posts: 63 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I was so happy to see that on the scale I had lost 10 pounds in just a little over a month. I was so happy with what I had accomplished. However I then mesured myself and not one inche came off! I really don't care that much what it says on the scale since its the inches that show so I dont understand what happend? I feel like my hard work paid off for the number on the scale but that I failed where it matters most.... in my clothes, my body didn't get any smaller ;(


  • I have the opposite problem, I couldn't care less about the inches, I just need (yes 'need' for my job) the weight to come off and all I'm lossing is inches!
  • smh32775
    smh32775 Posts: 4 Member
    Did the weight come off slowly or rapidly? It could be mostly water weight lost..which won't really cause a change in inches. So discouraging, I'm sure!!!

  • Congratulation! 10lbs in a month sounds very reasonable and maintainable weight loss. As far as the inches, there are many reasons why you would not have seen a significant drop. First, our bodies draw energy from all of our fat stores when exercising and dieting not just from one place. So what part of your body did you measure? you should measure your arm, legs, neck, buttocks, and belly. You could've lost a 1/4 here 1/4 there for a total of a few inches. Also at what time did you measure? a belly full of undigested food, is way bigger than one with no food in it at all. So try taking your measurements first thing in the morning when your stomach is empty. Third, did you take starting measurements? Did you have the right tools?(tape measure) did you underestimate your real measurements?...all of these are important questions you should ask yourself before doubting yourself. I think you're doing great and you should keep at it. It might just be that your body is fighting real hard to maintain it's weight so make sure you don't starve yourself cause that will only lead to muscle and bone loss and minimal fat loss. Hope that helps.
  • My mom is a nurse and she always told me the body isn't good at multi tasking. She told me that you lose weight first and then the body stops losing weight to "adjust" to the new weight then the process continues as long as your eating, exercising etc. It might be due to the water weight someone else mentioned, but it always seems to happen to me that I lose weight, plateau then lose weight.

    If you've lost weight the inches will follow.
  • lucasdany
    lucasdany Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone, your thoughts and advice is so very much appreciated!! I have taken many of the things you've said into account and I promise not to let myself get discouraged! After all 10 pounds is still a reason to hold my head up right!
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    I lost 10lbs also it took over 90 days to lose that, but Ive been losing inches more, 14 total all over so far, but i would love to see the scale move more but i guess beggers cant be chosers
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