
jongwoons Posts: 39
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Guys I am having a real issue here and I don't know what to do... lately I have not been able to exercise at all because I feel like I just have no energy whatsoever. I wake up and feel like a walking zombie and when the time comes to exercise, I am just too exhausted to do it. This is becoming a huge problem for me and I don't know what's wrong because it's never happened to me before. I used to go to sleep at like 3 am in the morning and still have energy. Now by 12 am, I'm already knocked out. What is going on?It's been like this since February started.


  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    How much sleep are you getting per night? How many calories are you eating every day? Too little sleep and too little fuel will wipe you out.
  • SK24373
    SK24373 Posts: 36 Member
    There are many causes of exhaustion, but the first thing you need to do is rule out an illness- viral, etc. I strongly recommend that if it doesn't go away after a day or two, that you make an appointment to see your doctor. Unless you have changed something radical in your life - (i.e. taking medication, supplements, radically altering your diet with supplements, sugars, energy drinks, starving yourself. etc).

    Otherwise, we all get bouts of intense fatigue from stressors or changes in our sleep patterns, diet, medication, etc.

    Are you getting enough food and water? You could be dehydrated also.

    ALl the best to you.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Make sure you are eating enough. If you have your calorie limit set at 1200, I suggest raising it. You should work down to that number, not start out at that. A lot of people make that mistake. Also try a multivitamin. The less you eat, the less likely you are to get the vitamins and minerals you need unless you really watch what you eat and only eat whole foods. You may also be anemic- your doc can check that, and an iron supplement will help. :) Hope that helps.
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    Could you possibly be pregnant?
  • Hi there. You might want to see your regular physician and rule out any thyroid or seasonal affect disorder. Chances are it's not related, but it might be good to check - just to be sure. Also, are you getting enough protein and iron? Feel better soon! :)
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    it could be your diet. It's pretty sodium heavy and you're skipping meals. I also don't see a lot of fruits and veggies in there. Maybe try to eat a little fresher and cleaner for some energy.
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    Everyone is right...Make sure you are eating enough, Make sure you are sleeping enough, and start taking a multivitamin.
  • I would probably say its food related. You are probably set at 1200 calories a day but don't forget that you MUST consume the calories you burn during working out. If not your body will go into starvation mode and eventually hibernation to conserve energy. This is bad because it will deteriorate your muscle first, which is the primary source for metabolism.

    So first, eat! secondly try vitamin B. You can do vitamin B shots or just do a complex daily.

    Hope this helps!
  • -Nope, not pregnant.
    -I try to drink as much water as I can a day. I am still unable to reach 8 cups a day. I don't really know how to drink that much water, really. It's too much for me. Also, my nutrition used to be terrible and I was still very much full of energy, I don't really think my nutrition is the problem? I've been eating the same amount of veggies and fruits since January and I was fine. I've also tried my best to avoid sodium but it's everywhere, I can't really do that...
    -While I usually really sleep for 5 hours, I do tend to nap in between and it does nothing.
    -I've tried taking some vitamins as well and nothing has worked.
    -I skip meals because I often wake up late on weekends and there's no sense in eating breakfast at 1pm :( I do not skip meals on weekdays, though.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    I know when I dont eat right even though Im within my calorie goal I can get sluggish.

    Eating properly , correct nutrients go along way of helping your energy levels.
  • I would eat right, but unfortunately I'm 18 without a job (trying to get one, of course,) and still living with my poor family, if it was up to me I would definitely make my own healthy meals but it's just not in my control right now. I only got to control my dessert, which was a fruit salad I prepared.

    My question is why I was doing so well in January and why since Feb hit, I've been exhausted. It just doesn't make sense to me?
    Could the fact I'm nearing my period have anything to do with it? Because it's never happened before.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Over training or not enough calories outside of a medical condition.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    To the period question:

    YES. Watch and see if your energy picks up after you are through.

    I get sluggish and tired before hand every time, without fail. I also get really hungry. Then after, I'm hardly hungry at all.
  • On the contrary, I've been eating more calories than I should of this past week.

    I truly hope it picks up, otherwise I'm just about ready to just quit.
  • Don't give up. I also deal with exhaustion fairly regularly. I am a full-time student with 2 young children and life gets crazy sometimes. I also understand the budget constraints when it comes to trying to eat healthy. "Healthy" food can be expensive. Something that helps me on the days when I am really tired is having a "back up" lighter activity that I start with, much of the time I find that once I get going my energy level increases. Beyond that, take a little time for some meditation or journaling, sometimes if we have a lot going on in life and our emotions are high it will drain the energy right out of us.

    Good luck to you!!
  • My first couple of weeks back to exercising and eating right are always really exhausting. Also, it's February. People tend to have seasonal affective disorder and depression now that disguises itself as low-grade fatigue and/or exhaustion more than any other time of the year (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, that is). 5 hours of sleep is not enough, not even with a nap.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    My weight loss stalled in February too, which is weird since i've actually been working out more regularly. I say we eat more carbs! LOL : )

    any tips?
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