30 lbs to lose before I return home this summer.

I moved to Alaska in Dec. 2009 and I recently had a baby in Nov. 2010. I have only been home once since I moved and I really help so I can achieve my goal by the time I go home this summer. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and also blow everyone away when I return home.

I'm currently using Jillian Michaels workout videos...currently doing the 30 Day Shred. So far I have lost 6 lbs. My goal is to lose 30 lbs by July. Right now, I'm so discouraged right now that I can't see myself achieving this goal. Can anybody relate and is anyone up for the challenge and willing to help keep me motivated? I have heard that its always easier to diet and workout if your doing it with friends...help please.


  • prencesskl
    keep up what your doing... the 30 lbs will be gone before you know it
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    I am in the same shoes...I need to lose 50 pounds before I go back to Europe to see my family on Christmas. I am pretty much discouraged all the way. Last time when I went back to see my family they saw how big I got (and I did not even have a baby like yourself). I was so ashamed of myself. This time around I would like to show them that I can lose the 50 pounds and I can be fit and happy. Friend me, and we can do the journey together.;-) Good luck!!!