need advice: afraid of the scale



  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Just realize that you're going to weigh the same whether you actually know what you weigh or not. I used to hate weighing myself too, but once you start doing it, the numbers are just that--numbers.
  • sophiajackson99
    We all talk about the power of the scale like it is a monster ruling the city. How can we keep it under control? will it defeat us? should we avoid or face it? The reality is that the scale is a small metal box with numbers on it. It's a paper dragon that we've given a magic hat to.

    As Tatiana mentioned above, the scale is simply a tool to aid us in our goal to reach healthier body shapes. If it's being used as drug or obsession or whip or crystal ball to tell you what kind of day you are going to have, then I think it's probably best to avoid it and use the tape measure or the fit of clothes as your tools instead.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Remember that you are the same person no matter what that number is. Most people hate the scale, but we all must overcome it if we want to know our true weight loss success. I have always hated the scale as well and at times knowing the number has been a discouragement to me rather than an encouragement because I know that I have well over 200 pounds to lose. But only you can determine your mindset and how you will feel when you see the number. No matter what that number is don't beat yourself up over it. It does not matter what the number is today because it will be changing as you work the program. A person's identity is not the number reflected when they stand on that scale. You are who you are no matter what your weigh. Look inside to determine your beauty, not at the number on the scale. The Serenity Prayer is a great help in these moments
  • CountryGrrrrl
    so don't weigh! Go by how you feel, how your clothes feel on you, and what your body can do!! I think the "number" is a stupid thing, anyway. I mean, really, isn't it all about feeling healthy and being confident when you look in the mirror? And, to be totally honest, weight shouldn't have anything to do with your is only a health issue that we need to take care of to live longer so that we can enjoy those people and things that give us the sense of self that we love!!!! Good luck!!