Its lose not loose



  • DanL66712
    Oops, forgot to add my own reply...

    That aside, if we're building a pedants' playground here, may I point out that "buy" should have been "by"? And "referees" should have been "refers" ? (Although perhaps we'll need our own referee if this playful scrap turns ugly.)

    I do believe the punctuation mark goes inside the should have been "by?", not "by"?, and "refers?", not "refers"?


    Haha. Grammar Nazis are out in force today!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Oops, forgot to add my own reply...

    That aside, if we're building a pedants' playground here, may I point out that "buy" should have been "by"? And "referees" should have been "refers" ? (Although perhaps we'll need our own referee if this playful scrap turns ugly.)

    I do believe the punctuation mark goes inside the should have been "by?", not "by"?, and "refers?", not "refers"?


    Haha. Grammar Nazis are out in force today!

    Heil Bissett!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I have said it before and I say it again: This is another major dumbing down of the human race. Computers, spellcheckers and a failing educational system have led us here. Until this site has a spell checker, please revert to your spelling skills that you were supposed to learn in the fourth grade. Barring that, type your posts in Gaelic (no offense to my Scottish friends) and no one will ever know.

    I am guilty of misspelling words, everyone is I think. But this is a 'written' medium and the lack of education in the written language is ever apparent.

    We are all supposed to be adults on here and as such we should have some basic grasp of the English language.

    :flowerforyou: It is not a crime to not know how to spell but it is a crying shame.:flowerforyou:

    You could cut and paste your post to some word processor and spell check it if you can't spell. :flowerforyou:

    It would be nice if this site had a spell checker, and allowed you to edit your topic titles.

    I hope I have spelled something incorrectly here to prove I am human too. :smile:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think people just need to get over it.:wink:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    WTFC, not everyone cares about spelling and grammer errors, as long as you know what they are talking about why bring it up?
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    As long as folk don't type like chavs them I'm not too worried. I do dislike the misspellings but I don't let myself get mental over it.

    However the misuse of 'your' for 'you're' does my fecking swede in!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Maybe we could just revert back to grunting and pointing.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Maybe we could just revert back to grunting and pointing.

    or mabey people could climb down off thier pedestals :laugh:
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Oops, forgot to add my own reply...

    That aside, if we're building a pedants' playground here, may I point out that "buy" should have been "by"? And "referees" should have been "refers" ? (Although perhaps we'll need our own referee if this playful scrap turns ugly.)

    I do believe the punctuation mark goes inside the should have been "by?", not "by"?, and "refers?", not "refers"?


    Actually, he was correct -- if this had been a quotation, then it would have been proper to place the punctuation inside the quotes, but since it was a reference to the word itself, it was correct to place the punctuation outside of the quoted word.

    The example I've seen utilized is:

    When discussing 'use', use the word "use".

    (Note that the sentence demonstrates the difference between the concept that the word expresses ('use'), a normal instance of the word in context (use) and a simple reference to the word itself ("use").)

  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Yeah!! Oh wait you mean me! :bigsmile:


    *Grunt* *poke* *point* Jeanette *bark* *scratch* *snif*

    Oops - misspelled scratch. :blushing:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yeah!! Oh wait you mean me! :bigsmile:


    *Grunt* *poke* *point* Jeanette *bark* *sratch* *snif*

    no I didnt mean you I ment people
    in general. lol you can bark and scratch as long as you dont hump my leg lol
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Dang I forgot that one. That speaks volumes all by itself. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    Oh wow!!! It thought this was an Introduction Forum on a weight loss site ..Correcting spelling and grammar on here is as appropriate as telling your English teacher she should LOSE some weight. Seriously ....someone has too much time on thier hands.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Dang I forgot that one. That speaks volumes all by itself. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: it is an international language:tongue:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    The one thing that gets me is that people who in other places will mix up "loose" and "lose" will almost always get it exactly right when discussing The Biggest LOSER.

    There is no generalization!!

    (And not that anyone here has done it in this thread, but while we're on grammatical pet peeves, plurals do NOT need apostrophes! Thank you! :) )
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    SOOOO glad you said that! The amount of spelling mistakes I see on here is disgusting!

    eg: lose/loose; exersizing....(WTF) and Calory (Yes I really didi see that one!!)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Some typos are fine though (I'm bound to make a few), it's just major lack of care that makes things so bloody hard to read I feel.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Some typos are fine though (I'm bound to make a few), it's just major lack of care that makes things so bloody hard to read I feel.

    Exactly! Yes there are times when you can figure it out. However, there have been posts on here I have just exited because they were so difficult to understand.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    My worst typo is 'because' I tend to type 'becuase'. I annoy myself over it!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    We can blame spell check. LOL!!!!!