whats happening

lynnie4 Posts: 22 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
i have rigidly filled in my diary for 6 weeks now initially losing 6.5 in the first 3 weeks. now i have maintained for the following 3 weeks and i know i havent cheated. i probably dont drink enough i know and havent been to the gym every day but its so anoying when people cheat , dont exercise at all and then lose 3-4 pounds. is it my age ,im 53 or do i need more or less than the 1200 calories im having. i dont think i have a metabolism. ive even tried eating different foods this week and more fruit and veg, help!,


  • I think what you're experiencing is normal. A fast 5-6 lbs and then not so much for a few weeks. Stay with it and you'll start to lose it in chunks - probably a 4-5 lb loss in a week or two. Good luck!
  • Diya13
    Diya13 Posts: 24
    It would be a good idea to talk to your doctor if you're having trouble losing weight. Peri- or post-menopausal women have tons of hormonal changes and other body adjustments happening, which can make it tough. Make sure your thyroid function is still good, and your doctor may have some ideas about what foods you should be eating to optimize your metabolism. I'm not a doctor, but I'm a Ph. D. student at a medical school so I know at least enough to recommend a doctor's visit! :bigsmile:
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Lynnie,

    I think you just need to stick with it. Are you weighing just once a week, and at the same time ( and dressed the same). It may be an idea to open up your diary so people can have a look and give some advice ....
  • iamgill
    iamgill Posts: 3 Member
    Don't despair. I'm having the same problem. My son and his wife,both aged 24,are eating more than I am and losing more weight than me. I'm nearly 51,so I think it has to do with age as it seem's harder to lose it these day's.Just carry on and don't give up.You can do it!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    There was a new study that came out about women over 40 having to workout at least 1 hour just to maintain. Might want to read up on the subject & try to intesify your exercise routine. Keep with the healthy lifestyle with exercise and in the long run your body will benefit.Good Luck:wink:
  • hi there lynnie - congrats on the pound loss already!

    once you start to see a plateau start to consider what is necessary to loose weight:

    ---burn more calories than you consume.

    if you are consistently eating the right amount of calories perhaps its time now to look at what for exercise. even just walking can be enough. for weight loss you want to focus not too much on lifting weights but aerobic exercise, getting the heart rate up and keeping it there. there are certain foods that will also help with weight loss, grapefruit springs to mind.

    here is a great article i read some time ago about body fat -> http://www.naturalnews.com/006981_abdominal_fat_body.html

    that sight has helped me immensely also, i recommended digging through the previous posts.

    another thing to be sure of is vitamin and nutrient intake. excess amounts of estrogen can cause weight gain. make sure to get a omega 3,6 ,9 supplement (be sure its ok with your PCP first). also, stress causes Cortisol to be released into your system which shuts down testosterone production thereby increasing estrogen production. (i know you are female, but each of us has a balance of hormones in our bodies) - - search around also. the web is great. just find reliable sources. it could be that you are not eating enough food. ive always told people the 1 rule to loose weight : Eat More Food. ---- the thing is, you have to eat the right food. graze throughout the day, big lunch, small dinner.

    just some thoughts. good luck!
  • lynnie4
    lynnie4 Posts: 22 Member
    just had blood tests returned normal apart from i have high cholestrol...i have been on a low fat diet forever!! couldnt any healthier
  • lynnie4
    lynnie4 Posts: 22 Member
    thanks , i weigh myself on a mondays for the diary and i might hop on midweek just to see whats happening, wearing nothing i might add! i seem to lose 1-2 by friday and then after a healthy weekend and a sensible sunday roast, on monday im back where i was.
  • lynnie4
    lynnie4 Posts: 22 Member
    how do i open up my diary?
  • lynnie4
    lynnie4 Posts: 22 Member
    thanks. no im determined not to give up, i just need to up the exercise.
  • lynnie4
    lynnie4 Posts: 22 Member
    i cant graze during the day as i work as a cake decorator ( i dont eat them) and im so busy im not hungry anyway till lunch when i have a baked potato or something.
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