Need help from all the mothers.

DMC6282 Posts: 21 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hello, I was wondering what people do to get their workouts in if you are a mother that works full time? I work from 7 to 4:30 Monday through Friday. My baby goes to daycare. Ican ask my mom to watch her in the afternoon when I get off but I miss my baby during the day. When I get off in the aftenoon, I rush to pick her up and I get her around 5:10 and then we go 2 my mom's till around 7. We eat dinner there and hang out. It is so cold out right now and I can't take her to exercise with me. Am I wrong for leaving her to go exercise for another hour when she has already been with the daycare all day? I feel like such a bad mom. I don't like to exercise in doors. I just don't push myself like I should and plus I live upstairs and can't move around like I like too. I know it will be a lot easier once she gets older. She is only 7months old. Also once the weather gets better I can take her in the stroller. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can start today?


  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    I get up an hour before the rest of the family and fit it in that way most days.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    You can either wake up earlier than she does or do it after she goes to sleep?
  • I agree with jonesy...I get up very early. Get it out of the way and feel good the rest of the day.
  • I do exercise dvds. Chalean extreme is great! We live in an upstairs apartment as well but you don't do a lot of loud movement. I wait til the kids are in bed and do the dvd around 8. It is still early enough that even if you are making noise people are still awake watching tv and it is not going to bother them. I tried doing the dvds in the morning but I felt I was going to wake the kids cause the apt is just so quiet at 5 and I certainly don't want them to start waking up then!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I go to hot yoga at 8 pm after my son goes to bed, or I'll get up an hour early to do an exercise video.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    When my daughter was little, I got up at 5:30 a.m. to get in my workouts while she was still sleeping! Of course we didn't have exercise DVDs then (they were VHS but I didn't use it for fear of waking my daughter up) and we didn't have iPods (now I'm really dating myself) so I put the radio on low and jogged laps back and forth in my kitchen! What can I say - you do what you gotta!

    Get up and do it early! It's great way to start your day!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I do exercise dvds. Chalean extreme is great! We live in an upstairs apartment as well but you don't do a lot of loud movement. I wait til the kids are in bed and do the dvd around 8. It is still early enough that even if you are making noise people are still awake watching tv and it is not going to bother them. I tried doing the dvds in the morning but I felt I was going to wake the kids cause the apt is just so quiet at 5 and I certainly don't want them to start waking up then!

    ChaLEAN Extreme is my fave workout also! :)
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I exercise after the kids are asleep. Its the only time I can fit it in and it means I'm not missing spending time with them. I know its so hard when they're babies but it does get easier!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    You have to make time for you!! :) Either early in the morning or maybe a walk at lunch or a 30 minute workout right after work?? It's absolutely not wrong to make time for your workout!! I use dvds quite a bit too and sometimes I use my toddler for my workout. She's about a 30 lb weight.... if I could just figure out how to put a handle on her she'd LOVE to be my kettlebell, LOL!!
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    I too work the same shift. I get 2- 15 min breaks at work. I walk/jog when its nice out on those. then it doesn't cut into any time with kids. Also we like to go for walks or ride bike after dinner. AGAIN when its nice out. I can't wait until spring.
    In the winter time, I try and get up at 5:00 to work out. I pack lunches for the day, and then work out from 5:30-6:30, and then take my shower, and get the kids up and go to work. but I must say I have been slacking the past few weeks doing this. but this is the only way I can squeeze in time. trying to work out with a 3 yr old and 16 month old following you around the house, just doesn't work well.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I agree, getting up early is the best way. You can do yoga or pilates, which will be a great start to your morning without any jumping around and waking up the downstairs neighbors. There are lots of DVDs showing you how to exercise with your baby, using the baby as weight resistance. Fun for both of you, and you get to spend time together without neglecting your health.

    If you get a lunch break, try taking a brisk walk. Even if you can only get walking for 10 minutes, it's something! And maybe you could take another short 10-minute walk in the evenings when you go over for dinner. Every little bit helps!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    You have to make time for you!! :) Either early in the morning or maybe a walk at lunch or a 30 minute workout right after work?? It's absolutely not wrong to make time for your workout!! I use dvds quite a bit too and sometimes I use my toddler for my workout. She's about a 30 lb weight.... if I could just figure out how to put a handle on her she'd LOVE to be my kettlebell, LOL!!

    Ha ha to the kettlebell! Thanks for the laugh! When my daughter was little, she wanted to be carried and held constantly - I had amazing looking arms!! My kid is now 15, is taller than me and weighs as much as I do - not sure I could swing her like a kettlebell now!! :laugh:
  • DMC6282
    DMC6282 Posts: 21 Member
    Theses are all great suggestions! Thank you everyone! I'm going to try out a morning workout. I just wish I could get out but I'm just gonna have to work with what I got because we live alone. So I have to workout at home. I'm going to find me some type of dvd today.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Yes, I agree, get up earlier or work out after she's in bed--I would do the same thing just to have more time with her! Another ChaLEAN Extreme fan here too... 35-45m a day and it flies by. You can do it!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Yes, I agree, get up earlier or work out after she's in bed--I would do the same thing just to have more time with her! Another ChaLEAN Extreme fan here too... 35-45m a day and it flies by. You can do it!

    I know just what you mean - so many of my friends kept urging me to join a gym, but I couldn't afford it and I just didnt want to pick my daughter up from day care/school only to put her into another day care just so I could work out! Getting up early seemed like such a small trade off to be able to spend as much time with my daughter as possible! Now, she works out with me - we both to ChaLEAN Extreme!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Theses are all great suggestions! Thank you everyone! I'm going to try out a morning workout. I just wish I could get out but I'm just gonna have to work with what I got because we live alone. So I have to workout at home. I'm going to find me some type of dvd today.

    When the weather gets warmer, you can change your routine and take walks and things with her. But let that be in ADDITION to whatever morning workout you go with for now, not a replacement. Then you can be super-fit in the summer!
  • How about walking on your lunch break? You wont get so sweaty that you need a shower but you will burn a few calories. Put ankle weights on and your pants will cover them and no one will ever see them.
  • red70
    red70 Posts: 1
    If you can't always get your cardio in, use resistance, (i.e., bands, weights). You can do this while the baby is in her crib or swing watching you. You can do squats and lunges for lower body. You don't have to do a complete 30 minute workout all together. It can be broken up into 3- 10 minutes sessions if you're pressed for time. If you don't have weights, use a can of peas(for upper body), they're about a pound. And try the reverse crunch, it's more effectiive. Start off slow, you'll likely stay with it. Good luck.
  • DMC6282
    DMC6282 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks you all! These are all great suggestions. Eventually I will find what works for me!
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