Mom with kids in competive sports

edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm looking for some support and guidance! My oldest daughter is a figure skater. We had an intense weekend. I feel supper ran down now. She is part of a figure skating club, and I'm on the board. I ran a bakesale this weekend then we participated in a benefit for a little girl with cancer then we had a test session where my daughter tested 3 elements. And cause I was on the board I was there all day. There we did have good food and we had bad food. Well I'm a stress eater and I ate the bad food mostly. I mean I did have fruit salad and water but then I had pizza and some leftover cupcakes from the bake-sale. I actually was good the day of the bakesale I didn't eat a thing we sold. But I made up for it the next day. I'm so mad at myself!

So how do you not stress so much and make good choices while you are running around and trying to calm you children's nerves while inside you're just as nervous for them? And it was so heartbreaking watch so many skaters not pass their tests this weekend. UGH you watch them work so hard for it all season! I wish I didn't feel so much for others and let it effect me so much!


  • Well I lost a pound this weekend so maybe I didn't do to horrible. Maybe all the stressed burned calories? Or maybe the constant running up and down the stairs and around the rink. But I feel like I was hit by a truck I'm so tired...maybe it's the mono I'm hoping I'm not still sick but I don't get my blood work till next week.
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