Deb's Fitness, Eating, Sleeping, you name it.....thread!

ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hello all! Come on in! There's room for everyone and anyone who would like to share their stories, their successes, their struggles. We all have them.

If you're just starting on your journey and you need support, come on in!

If you're struggling with your eating and you need some tips, come on in!

Not getting enough sleep? Is it affecting your weight loss journey? Come on in!

Have a success storie to share? Please do!

My journey started about 3 years ago and it still continues. It is definately a journey and a daily activity to live a healthy lifestyle. We're all capable of achieving our goals! So, let's do it!

I'd love to meet you, hear your stories and support and motivate each other! So, stop by, say hello and stay a bit! :drinker:

Feel free to add me as a friend! :flowerforyou:



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    :bigsmile: So, out of all those 110 views, no one wanted to post? Come on in, the water's fine! I don't bite!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Yay!!!! My Shakeology arrived yesterday! These are the morning I look forward to!

    I also drank my 16oz of cold water first thing this morning, I'm off to a good start! What are you doing today to move towards your goals?

    Go get it!

  • 28 Feb 11? Count me in! I am ready to get started.

    What is the significances to the cold water in the morning?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Steff! Thanks for stopping by, I was afraid I was on my own here! lol

    So, by drinking 16oz of cold water first thing in the morning, it helps to boost your metabolism for the day by 20%! Totally helped me get over some plateaus!

    What are you doing for fitness right now?
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Hi Deb and Steff. I have lost about 60 pounds over the last year. I am at a point right now where I am struggling to make it happen everyday. Work has been really stressful and I haven't been exercising as much as I should. I log in my calories sometimes. I know I am on a slippery slope and want to get some motivation to up the ante. I will try to just start by getting some water in right now and continuing to read some posts as they do usually help me. Thanks.
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Deb,

    Love your BB results. I actually had a question and I've been looking around on the board trying to see if anyone had similar problem. I've been doing P90X (lean) for month and a half now I missed couple of days due to some family issues so i decided to just start fresh again. I've been on MFP for 3 months now and I have not lost any weight for past 2 months. I did lose some inches and some clothes fits better but I would think I would see some drop in numbers by now. I'm 5'6" and stuck on 159 lbs lol. I eat right, work out, get all my water in I even increased my food intake to see if that would make difference so I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong now. Please help :)

    Thanks in advance,
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello to WrenLynn and Aida! Thanks for joining! The more, the marrier!

    WrenLynn: Congrats on your weight loss! That's fantastic! Just remember, this is a journey and no one said it would be easy, but it is doable! I would try to start logging your calories daily as that will help hold you accountable and make sure you're on track, start there. And also, it's important to make time for yourself. If you don't set aside that time, it'll never happen and it's easy to get pushed off the wagon that way. I know, it's happened to me a few times, no fun and makes it that much harder to get going again. So, just know that we're here to support you and you can do it!

    Aida: Thank you! I've been working at this for over 3 years now and sometimes I've been impatient but I know it takes time. I'm more happy now and more confident in my own skin than I've ever been! So, are you following the eating guide with P90X? I was actually going to suggest increasing your calories but looks like you've tried that. many calories are you consuming? Also, are you getting enough of the right protein? That is a huge factor! Especially in the first month of the program.
  • AidaR
    AidaR Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Deb,

    I'm not following the P90X diet plan it requires a lot of food and i really cant eat that much for some reason I get way too full really fast. I eat 1400 calories now and I get my protein from fish and chicken as well as protein shakes :(
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey all! How's it going? Everyone pushing play, getting their workouts in? Remember to make time for yourself!

    I'm getting super excited about my 4th round of P90X! Last night, I took the time to go over the nutrition plan and get my menu all set up!

    Make it a healthy day today!

  • Hi Deb,
    Right now, I mostly walk 3-4 miles a day. Some days I do aerobics and others, I do Billy Blanks Taebo Inferno. Its been nice lately, so I have been getting my walks on outside, but if the weather does not permit, I have a treadmill that I also use. I did really good for the month of Jan. I lost 10lbs, but I am beginning to think that was just water weight, cause when I got on the scale the other day, it said I gained 4 lbs! :-( I was sick to my stomach.

    I just finished a 4 mile walk and I am feeling kinda wonderful!!!! I always feel good after a good workout!

    Oh yeah, I bought P90X about a year ago, but never really got serious with it. I am ready this time.............

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Steffi: Nice job on the walk today! That's fantastic! It's nice here in Seattle but freezing!!!! I can't wait for Spring and Summer; I walk the lake by our house, it's 3 miles around, always good for some extra cardio. I'm jealous that you have a treadmill, wish I had one! I know it's easy to get discouraged with the scale but don't, it's your worst enemy! You have to celebrate the small successes because each one counts! You did it once, you'll do it again! So, are you planning on starting P90X?
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Hi all. I have been logging my food and getting my water in. I also ran a complete mile for the first time ever this week! Total was 2.5 miles but 1 was walking fast and the other was running at 5.0 with one mile of it all at the same time. I know that I have a ways to go but am enjoying the journey again. -Wren
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey Wren! Nice job! Keep it up! And keep moving towards your goal, you'll make it!
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