Water and sodium


I am new to all this and I want to know what the drinking of water is going to do - how does it help?

and also

What does sodium do to me? How does a high intake effect me?

Thanks in advance I know its basic so sorry about that

Jeananne xxx


  • Awineburg
    You can retain more water if you have too much sodium. Drinking enough water will make you feel better, and help your digestion and also will help you lose more weight. Sometime the body will send signals that you are thirsty but that signal gets confused with the hungry signal. and so we eat. Which then we gain weight, drinking water helps you be full and makes sure you aren't getting the signals confused.
  • katyviking13
    Water is going to help you not be as sore, wash out toxins and the lactic acid buildup after you work out, and keep you healthy and hydrated. Water will help you perform better throughout exercise.

    Sodium makes you retain water. So if you drink a lot of water and consume a lot of salt your body will hold on to it. The body needs sodium to hold water in the blood vessels. Sodium regulates water balance in all parts of the body. If too much water is held in the body the amount of blood increases. If it increases too much it can be very dangerous. The increase of blood makes your heart work harder. Sodium makes you bloated making you look bigger and possibly making you weigh up to 8lbs more than you should because of all the retained water.

    Also, sodium increases blood pressure. When your blood pressure is not regulated and too much sodium is consumed heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease can happen.

    I hope this helps!
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    For the sodium - you really should track this - I was eating alot of Frozen, Low Caloried, Low fat - dinners for lunch...but they were packed with sodium. Once I started tracking my sodium and making changes - I noticed a difference....
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    So if I just drink less water the sodium wont hold it - Im jokin!!

    Thanks a lot guys thats been a great help!!! :) xxx