Shin splints??

ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey there everybody. I have been noticing the last week or so that I have been getting what I think are shin splints. The pain is very sharp and pretty bad, but it's not in front of my calf so much as on the inside part. It hurts when I flex my feet, squat down onto the floor, go up on my tiptoes, etc. I've been stretching like a madwoman and I can't seem to get the pain to go away. I started the 30 day shred last Tuesday and that is when the pain started. I'm doing it every other day. This morning, I did my run (a bit longer than usual, but not by much) and I can hardly walk now. After a hot shower, lots of time on the stairs (heels hanging off step with toes pointing up), and water I'm still in a good amount of pain, all the way from mid foot to mid calf.

Any remedies or advice? Am I doing something wrong form-wise that I can pay attention to to try to keep this to a minimum? I've never had this happen before, even when I was an every-day runner!



  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    The stretches you're doing on the stairs are for your calves, not your shins. You need to stretch out both. Sit down and extend one leg in front of you and point your toes, then write out the alphabet with your toes (I usually do it two or three times, if my foot doesn't cramp up first lol). This will stretch out your shins as well as the sides of your calves. They don't go away over night, as it's not a typical muscle soreness, but these stretches will help. It might help to ice a bit as well.

    Feel better soon!
  • seastar23
    seastar23 Posts: 1 Member
    So sorry you are dealing with those, they're quite annoying! It is one of two things, the improper style of running shoe (for instance, you are using Trail shoes rather than Standard shoes, or Stability shoes when you need motion-control). Or your shoes are old... when running/walking, new shoes are needed every 6-12months. There is no way to stretch them out or heal them quickly, they simply need to heal on their own with ice/heat treatments. Lay off the heavy "on-foot" cardio and focus more on biking and swimming for the meantime. Good luck!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    i have had this problem several times,,,, a couple things you can try, one make sure you have the right shoes. go to a running store where they will video how you run and put you in the right shoes depending on how your foot hits the ground. i have a problem of overpronating so i wear a show that has extra stability... second and this sounds crazy but every since i started this i have had no problems at all. At least three times a day sit in a chair hold you feet out and draw the alphabet with your toes in the air... crazy i know but it works. continue with stretching before and AFTER running... good luck,
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I tried to jog at the gym but got shin splints, but my fitness instructor told me to ease off and just do brisk walking for a bit. I think sometimes ice helps to ease it. I never even knew what shin splints were til she told me!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    From what I've experienced, that sounds like shin splints alright. The only thing I found to help was to lay off for a while and let it heal and maybe incorporate light stretching to keep those muscles flexible so they don't shorten & tighten back up. I think it took 3-5 days at its worst and not being a runner, I get it pretty easily when I try.
  • fantm
    fantm Posts: 87 Member
    Yep, what they said. I've been battling shin splints for months now and ice and rest are the best things for the. Ibuprofen is good too. Try not to run while they heal.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Thank you all so much! I have new shoes (just got them for Christmas) but they aren't special runners or anything, I think they are cross-trainers (champion brand). I will have to look into something more specific to running as I am planning on training for a 1/2 marathon this summer. I will concentrate on other exercises this week and see if that helps too. The alphabet thing does sound crazy, but I am sure it works! :smile: Thanks again!
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