Chemicals in Beauty Products



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    We're all here changing our lives for the better...eating organic, excercising daily so I thought I'd post this interesting article. It's alarming to think that our bodies are absorbing nasty chemicals through our toothpaste, soap, body lotion, etc.....and don't get me started on cleaning products!!!

    Yes, I actually made changes in regards to cosmetics, hygiene products and cleaning supplies before I totally cleaned up my eating...... At that time, my eating was about 60% good, 40% bad............

    My sister makes our body wash, soaps and shampoos. We use coconut oil to moisturize our bodies, cleanse and moisturize our face.

    I make cleaning supplies for my sister and I using water, lemon, baking soda and vinegar. I found recipes on the internet.

    We use soap nuts for washing our clothes.

    I use these cosmetics ..........

    all that stuff REALLY REALLY expensive I have kids to feed,eventually something will kill me no one lives forever.

    No, its not more expensive. I actually spend less now that I have changed over and buy way less because it lasts so much longer.

    I am saving so much more money by using soap nuts, making my own cleaning supplies from cheap and natural ingredients, natural cosmetics, etc......

    Then I am saving more by purchasing foods from a CSA membership and I get meat packages from a local butcher that gets his meat from local farmers.

    I am saving our household about $400 - 500 per month doing the above mentioned things.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    ok whatever
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Do you remember all those thousands of women a couple years back dying from the lipstick they were wearing. NO YOU DON'T!!!! Make-up and lotion and soap and hair dye are not going to kill you. Or even make you sick for that matter, that is unless you are already criticall ill. This is just another article to scare you into buying "organic" products that are way more expensive and usuly not even organic. When was the last time you heard your friend tell you they got toxic shock from brushing thier teeth? Come on.

    Exactly. Just like that one user said....EVERYTHING now days will kill you, or cause cancer. I stopped paying attention, unless it comes from a study in a reputible medical journal. I agree it's worth paying attention to, but if anything REALLY caused people to get sick or die, the FDA wouldn't have approved it. It's safe...
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Do you remember all those thousands of women a couple years back dying from the lipstick they were wearing. NO YOU DON'T!!!! Make-up and lotion and soap and hair dye are not going to kill you. Or even make you sick for that matter, that is unless you are already criticall ill. This is just another article to scare you into buying "organic" products that are way more expensive and usuly not even organic. When was the last time you heard your friend tell you they got toxic shock from brushing thier teeth? Come on.

    Exactly. Just like that one user said....EVERYTHING now days will kill you, or cause cancer. I stopped paying attention, unless it comes from a study in a reputible medical journal. I agree it's worth paying attention to, but if anything REALLY caused people to get sick or die, the FDA wouldn't have approved it. It's safe...

    That is so not true. The FDA approves things all the time that is unsafe, then people die or get permanently ill or disabled, then they pull it off the shelf..........

    Especially where pharmaceuticals are concerned.

    Wow, I can't believe the amount of unconcern I see on this site from so many people. These things are not conspiracy theory, they are real and very true.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Do you remember all those thousands of women a couple years back dying from the lipstick they were wearing. NO YOU DON'T!!!! Make-up and lotion and soap and hair dye are not going to kill you. Or even make you sick for that matter, that is unless you are already criticall ill. This is just another article to scare you into buying "organic" products that are way more expensive and usuly not even organic. When was the last time you heard your friend tell you they got toxic shock from brushing thier teeth? Come on.

    Exactly. Just like that one user said....EVERYTHING now days will kill you, or cause cancer. I stopped paying attention, unless it comes from a study in a reputible medical journal. I agree it's worth paying attention to, but if anything REALLY caused people to get sick or die, the FDA wouldn't have approved it. It's safe...

    The FDA does not have to approve what goes in cosmetics, so they don't. And on he other note, if everything they approve is safe, why did Vioxx make it on the market then cause all those heart attacks? I was one of those people who were ripped off the medication to avoid a huge lawsuit. It happens. The FDA isn't fool proof. I agree that we need reputable evidence. When I have time, I will add to this thread. At the moment I don't remember where I stored all that research.