Hi Everyone!

I'm brand new to this site. I was told to join by my new dietician. I love chocolate & other sweets and I am addicted to mt. dew. I never excercise and sit on my butt all day. I got my bloodwork back today & my cholesterol is through the roof. Hopefully this will work and I can lose the 60lbs I gained in the past year.



  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Best of Luck to you. And welcome to the site. I hope you can find the motivation here that you need to get to a healthier you!!
  • einc80
    I am new to this site too! i have it on my phone and i love it......i am 7 months pregnant and need to focus on my eating alittle better. Sometimes i feel like i have zero control and scarf down anything and everything around me:(