
Hi all. I've just joined this afternoon. My husband and I both want to lose some weight. I think I'd like to lose about 30-40 lbs. I will mostly be cycling with strength training thrown in p90x style a few times a week. I have two young chilren so that is where the problem lies. When do I have time to work out? I'm starting this week hopefully. I had to flu a few weeks ago and still can't stop coughing but I'm going to just try to tough it out! Thanks for any support!


  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    welcome to MFP :) i hope ul both love the site as much as i do :D it gets kinda addictive lol

    best wishes to u both

    Kirstie x
  • curran80
    Hi and welcome,

    I also have a wee one, 19 months old. She goes to bed at about 6.30-7pm so I fit in a work out after it. I also find putting peppa pig on for an hour during the day gives me some time to myself too!

    Good luck and feel free to add me
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome, welcome! This is a great site with lots of motivation and support to help you along the way. It does get hard sometimes to find a minute to yourself for workouts, but you will, trust me. Good luck in reaching your goals.
  • AshliKrasz
    AshliKrasz Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone. My plan is to workout during the day while my 2 year old is napping. My 4 year old doesn't get in the way much, he will hang out with me. Hopefully it works out!
  • barbhuddleston
    Welcome to MFP! I've only been on here for almost a week, but I love it!! Hope you and your husband will to!!